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发布时间:2018-07-29 18:01
[Abstract]:Only a complete and reliable power system can guarantee the stability of power transmission, promote the development of local economy to the maximum extent, and meet the needs of people's living standard. As the main artery of power system, transmission line takes on the important task of transmitting electric energy in all directions. Looking back at the development of the power grid, it is not difficult to see that, against the background of the worsening weather conditions, the situation that lightning strikes make the power grid unable to operate normally is becoming increasingly serious, especially in the case of transmission lines with high voltage levels, There are often serious tripping accidents when the same tower multi-circuit line or single circuit line is the same. In the face of severe meteorological conditions and lightning tripping, in order to reduce lightning strike accidents on power lines, various comprehensive lightning protection measures have been adopted at home and abroad to improve the stable operation of power grid and the reliability of power supply. Minhou County is located in the southwest of Fuzhou. Most of the transmission lines are located in mountainous and wooded areas, and the surrounding environment is very bad. The relevant data show that, because of the influence of terrain and other factors on the electric field near the ground, the surrounding impact rate of the suburban line is about three times of that of the plain line, or is equivalent to the increase of the protection angle by 8.0.Therefore, practical and effective lightning protection measures are taken for transmission lines. It has become an urgent task to ensure the safe operation and reliable power supply of transmission lines. Based on the analysis of lightning flashover theory and the lightning protection projects in practice, several lightning protection methods commonly used in transmission lines in China are expounded in this study, based on the statistical analysis of practical operation data. Combining the features of topography and geomorphology and the characteristics of bad climate, and tracing and summing up the lightning protection reconstruction project in recent years, the characteristics and laws of lightning strike on transmission lines in Minhou power grid are obtained, and the design is carried out. In construction and management, new methods and suggestions are put forward to achieve the goal of using various lightning protection techniques to protect the whole line.


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