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发布时间:2018-08-12 08:12
【摘要】:随着全球经济的快速发展,电网大规模互联成为电力系统发展的必然趋势,电网的复杂程度也随之增加。在提高系统运行经济性的同时,对电网的供电可靠性提出了更为苛刻的要求。局部电网的某些故障也可能波及相邻区域电网,并引发连锁反应,进而大面积导致停电事故甚至是整个电网的崩溃。因此,找到电网的薄弱环节并提出有效的连锁故障预防控制策略,是避免因连锁故障而导致电网大停电事故的关键。 本文首先系统地总结了电网连锁故障的分析方法及预防控制的研究现状,总结归纳出电网连锁故障发展及传播的规律,而且基于自组织临界理论给出了连锁故障产生机理的解释;分析连锁故障分析模型的不足,提出有必要进一步研究连锁故障的实用化分析方法,并给出了基于直流潮流模型的电网实时连锁故障模型,从而在该模型的基础上找出电网当前的薄弱环节,预测电网可能发生的连锁反应故障传播序列。 本文基于潮流追踪理论的思想,提出了利用份额、供给率与汲取率的概念,建立了发电机、负荷与输电线路之间利用分配关系的解析模型。在此基础上,提出了电网连锁故障的预防控制策略。该策略首先得到每台发电机、每个负荷对各条线路的利用份额,通过控制发电机的有功出力来调整线路潮流,以此来达到改善系统潮流分布、延缓系统向自组织临界态的过渡过程的目的,并最终降低连锁故障发生的可能性。 最后,采用甘肃电网2012年冬季大负荷运行方式为算例,对本文所提出的连锁故障预防控制策略的正确性和有效性进行了验证和分析。算例结果能够达到预期的效果,为防止电网大停电事故的发生提供了有效的研究思路。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of global economy, large-scale interconnection of power grid becomes an inevitable trend of power system development, and the complexity of power grid also increases. At the same time, more stringent requirements are put forward for the reliability of power supply. Some faults of local power grid may also spread to the adjacent regional power grid, and cause chain reaction, which leads to the blackout accident or even the collapse of the whole power network. Therefore, it is the key to find the weak links of the power network and put forward effective preventive and control strategy of cascading faults to avoid the power grid blackouts caused by cascading faults. Firstly, this paper systematically summarizes the analysis methods of power network cascading faults and the research status of prevention and control, and summarizes the law of the development and spread of power network cascading faults. Furthermore, based on the self-organizing criticality theory, the mechanism of cascading fault is explained, and the deficiency of cascading fault analysis model is analyzed, and the practical analysis method of cascading fault is put forward. A real-time cascading fault model based on DC power flow model is presented. Based on this model, the current weak links of the power network are found and the chain reaction fault propagation sequence is predicted. Based on the idea of power flow tracing theory, this paper puts forward the concepts of utilization share, supply rate and absorption rate, and establishes an analytical model of utilization distribution relationship between generator, load and transmission line. On this basis, the prevention and control strategy of power network cascading fault is put forward. The strategy first obtains the utilization share of each generator and load to each line, and adjusts the line power flow by controlling the active power output of the generator to improve the power flow distribution of the system. The purpose of delaying the transition from self-organized critical state to self-organizing critical state is to reduce the possibility of cascading faults. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the preventive control strategy for cascading faults proposed in this paper are verified and analyzed by using the heavy load operation mode of Gansu power grid in the winter of 2012 as an example. The results of the examples can achieve the desired results and provide an effective research idea for preventing power outages.


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