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发布时间:2018-08-12 11:28
[Abstract]:The memory resistor is a kind of nonlinear resistor with memory characteristics. However, because of its strict requirements on the preparation environment and technology, the memory resistor can not walk out of the laboratory in a short period of time. So it is an important research direction to design the circuit model which can replace the resistive device. The current circuit model of the resistive device is complex in design, difficult in implementation and unable to simulate exactly the properties of the resistor, which makes it difficult to carry out a lot of research on the application of the resistive device. The research of the circuit model of the resistor is of great significance to the research of the application of the resistor at the present stage. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the defects of the current circuit models of magnetically controlled amnesia, and to implement an improved circuit model of magnetically controlled memristor in hardware. Finally, a MC oscillating circuit is designed, and its performance is verified by using the circuit model. Firstly, this paper studies the circuit model of magnetically controlled memristor, introduces the research status of the circuit model, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of various circuit models. The defects of the current circuit model of magnetically controlled resistor are analyzed from the aspects of working principle and circuit realization. In other words, the circuit model of the magnetic-controlled resistor generally ignores the initial state of the circuit and the initial state of the input excitation in the calculation of the circuit flux, and the calculation of the magnetic flux is incorrect, which leads to the defect of the circuit design under the guidance of the principle. The problem is mainly focused on the design of integral circuit. According to the analysis of the design principle of the current circuit model of magnetically controlled amnesia and the simulation verification, it is found that the integrator will ignore the DC component of the circuit and can not store the flux information from the integration effectively, which leads to the simulation experiment. It is shown that the voltage and current characteristics are not consistent with the theoretical ideal resistor voltage and current characteristics. The defects of this kind of circuit model may lead to the wrong conclusion in the process of replacing the amnesia in the research process. Therefore, the deficiency of the circuit model is analyzed and its defects are proved by the design of simulation experiments. A train of thought is provided for the test and improvement of the circuit model of the resistor. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of the current circuit models of magnetically controlled amnesia, this paper proposes two schemes to improve the integration of the circuit model: the integration scheme based on analog circuit and the integration scheme based on digital circuit. On the basis of demonstrating the feasibility of the theory and realization, the scheme of digital integration is selected, and the hardware implementation is carried out. Finally, the test experiment is designed, and the results are compared with the theoretical results of the resistor to verify its correctness. Finally, the MC oscillating circuit based on magnetically controlled amnesia is studied in this paper. Firstly, this paper designs an accurate control circuit of amnesia, which uses the comparison circuit to form a feedback loop, avoids the tedious steps of repeatedly writing and reading in the traditional method, and improves the control efficiency and precision. Then, a MC oscillating circuit is designed to overcome the low precision of frequency regulation of RC oscillator, which needs manual regulation. In principle, it can realize high precision and programmed frequency control. Finally, the feasibility of the method is proved by simulation, and the circuit characteristics are analyzed.


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