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发布时间:2018-08-12 13:21
[Abstract]:High-voltage switchgear plays an important role in the system of power equipment and plays a protective role in the safe operation of the equipment. Substation equipment is in an environment of high voltage and very strong magnetic field. Moreover, most of the high voltage switchgear cabinets in the construction of substations in our country adopt a closed structure, and their heat dissipation performance is poor, resulting in a rise in the temperature inside the equipment. Damage to equipment, easy to cause major accidents such as fire. With the development of science and technology, the internal circuit structure of the HV switchgear is becoming more and more complicated. For the staff, the maintenance of the equipment is becoming more and more difficult. If the equipment is not found in time, It will cause great losses. How to ensure the safe operation of substation power equipment, improve the reliability and reduce the accident rate is a very important problem. Therefore, our country has put forward the research topic of real-time on-line detection system of high-voltage switchgear. Realize the on-line monitoring of the important operation parameters of the high voltage switchgear. By reading a large number of literatures and research results on high voltage switchgear at home and abroad, and combining with the traditional temperature detection technology of high voltage switchgear, it is found that the technical function of traditional temperature reading measurement is relatively simple. In order to ensure the safety of high voltage switchgear, a great deal of manpower, material and financial resources are wasted in order to ensure the safety of high voltage switchgear. Due to the development of electronic technology, computer technology and wireless communication technology, and combined with the accident characteristics of high voltage switchgear, this paper puts forward a real-time on-line temperature monitoring system. It can effectively improve the reliability of high-voltage switchgear, ensure the safe operation of the equipment, reduce the probability of substation accidents, and have good social and practical significance. This paper firstly designs the hardware of temperature acquisition: mainly introduces the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and high voltage power supply, and then compares the existing wireless communication technology. The wireless technology used in this paper is ZigBee wireless communication technology. Finally, this paper focuses on the design of background monitoring software, through VC, completed the development and design of real-time database, history database, alarm module, data upload module, system management module and other main modules. The technology is summarized and prospected.


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