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发布时间:2018-08-13 16:53
【摘要】:太阳能具有分布广泛且易于获取等优点现已得到广泛应用。与塔式和槽式等其它形式的太阳能热发电系统相比较碟式太阳能热发电系统将太阳能转化为电能的转化效率最高,并且适合小规模分散式发电,对优化能源结构具有较高研究价值。 本文主要对整个碟式太阳能热发电系统中的双轴跟踪部分和初始并网部分进行主要研究。双轴跟踪部分首先分析了碟式太阳能热发电系统,在此基础上深入研究了太阳能热发电跟踪控制方法,确定了可为双轴跟踪控制系统跟踪太阳的入射光线提供正确有效的数据的坐标系统,利用MATLAB对地平坐标系提供的数据进行仿真并验证了该坐标系统的正确性。其次通过对传统控制方法的分析,提出了采用视日运动轨迹跟踪与传感器闭环跟踪相结合的混合跟踪方法保证聚光器精确跟踪并降低成本。最后本文详细介绍控制软件的设计过程,采用基于虚拟仪器控制作为碟式太阳能热发电双轴跟踪系统的控制部分。选用结合了简单框图形式开发环境和“G”语言编程的LabVIEW作为控制软件,简化了繁重的编程工作。硬件部分选用光敏电阻作为传感器根据光照强度的变化产生不同的电信号并利用PCI/PXI-6221型数据采集装置完成数据的采集,,通过NI SCC-68实现对电机的控制通过实验验证所设计方法的正确性。 本文对于控制系统的另一重要环节双馈电机的初始并网方法进行深入研究,利用标量分析法和矢量分析法两种方法分别对双馈电机并网条件进行分析,提高了并网过程的可控性与合闸点选择的准确性成功解决了并网时网侧与机侧相位不能完全同步而产生巨大的冲击电流的问题。搭建了并网实验模型并加入了能够实时监测电机运行状态的检测电路,主控制电路中利用西门子MICROMASTER440通用型变频器控制原动机和双馈电机转子端,使之满足双馈电机定子电压幅值、频率、相位、相序与电网一致的并网条件,最终实现无冲击初始并网。
[Abstract]:Solar energy has been widely used because of its wide distribution and easy access. Compared with other solar thermal power generation systems, such as tower type and trough type, the disc solar thermal power generation system can convert solar energy into electricity with the highest efficiency and is suitable for small scale distributed power generation. It has high research value for optimizing energy structure. In this paper, the biaxial tracking part and the initial grid-connected part of the whole disk solar thermal power generation system are mainly studied. In the biaxial tracking part, first of all, the disk solar thermal power generation system is analyzed, and on this basis, the tracking control method of solar thermal power generation is studied in depth. The coordinate system which can provide correct and effective data for the incident ray tracking of the sun in the biaxial tracking control system is determined. The data provided in the horizontal coordinate system is simulated by MATLAB and the correctness of the coordinate system is verified. Secondly, through the analysis of the traditional control methods, a hybrid tracking method is proposed to ensure the accurate tracking of the concentrator and reduce the cost. Finally, the design process of the control software is introduced in detail, which is based on the virtual instrument control as the control part of the double axis tracking system for solar thermal power generation. LabVIEW, which combines the development environment of simple block diagram and "G" language programming, is selected as control software, which simplifies the heavy programming work. In the hardware part, the photosensitive resistor is selected as the sensor to produce different electrical signals according to the change of the illumination intensity, and the data acquisition is completed by using the PCI/PXI-6221 data acquisition device. The control of the motor is realized by NI SCC-68. The correctness of the design method is verified by experiment. In this paper, the initial grid-connected method of another important link of the control system is studied, and the grid-connected conditions of the doubly-fed machine are analyzed by using scalar analysis and vector analysis, respectively. The controllability of the grid-connected process and the accuracy of the closing point selection have been improved successfully to solve the problem that the phase of the grid-side and the machine-side can not be completely synchronized during the grid-connected process resulting in a huge impact current. A grid-connected experimental model is built and a detecting circuit is added to monitor the running state of the motor in real time. In the main control circuit, Siemens MICROMASTER440 inverter is used to control the prime mover and the rotor end of the doubly-fed motor. The voltage amplitude, frequency, phase and phase sequence of the stator voltage of the doubly-fed machine are satisfied with the grid-connected condition of the grid, and the initial grid connection is realized without impact.


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