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发布时间:2018-08-15 15:04
【摘要】:随着社会经济和科学技术的不断发展,电力系统已经从传统的独立封闭的“发-用”结构演变成复杂的社会化网络,通过区域性电网互联来实现资源的优化配置,成为各国电网未来发展的趋势。在此背景下,当系统中的薄弱环节发生故障时,如果不能及时采取正确的措施,将致使故障连锁性扩大,造成大面积停电事故的发生。 输电断面作为联结电网两相同区域的重要部分,集中体现了电网的薄弱环节,其安全稳定与否对系统的安全稳定运行具有直接影响,通常是电网运行人员予以监视和控制的重点。然而,现有关于输电断面的研究工作理论化和系统化程度不高,针对断面搜索识别方法的实用性较弱,并且对输电断面安全性方面研究过少。鉴于以上不足,本文主要从以下三个方面开展了研究。 首先,对现有文献关于输电断面的研究内容进行了系统化和理论化的整理。总结归纳了现有文献关于输电断面识别的4种搜索方法。此外,基于输电断面安全性对系统安全可靠运行的重要性,对输电断面的安全稳定性分析作了细致说明。 其次,提出一种利用线路电气介数指标值来辨识得到系统中的关键支路,并由这些支路来形成系统的关键输电断面的方法。引入了实用化的系统状态分区模型及关键断面排序方法,建立了一套利用电气介数搜索系统关键输电断面的方法流程。最后在IEEE-39节点系统上,和已有搜索方法的作了对比分析;并且运用本文方法对我国特高压电网进行断面搜索,研究结果验证了本文所提方法的可行性和有效性。 最后,结合本文研究工作的课题来源,,以我国“三华”特高压电网未来某规划期的初始网架和目标网架为基础,利用PSD-BPA电力系统计算分析程序,重点研究了鄂尔多斯/山西电源基地送出断面安全稳定性、华东电网受端负荷中心受入断面的安全稳定性以及川西外送直流断面的安全稳定性,研究结果对制定规划期内过渡阶段电网的稳定控制措施,确保系统安全可靠运行具有重要参考价值。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of social economy and science and technology, the power system has evolved from the traditional independent closed "hair-use" structure into a complex social network, which realizes the optimal allocation of resources through the interconnection of regional power grids. It has become the trend of the future development of the power grid in various countries. In this context, when the weak links in the system failure, if the correct measures can not be taken in time, it will lead to the expansion of fault cascading, resulting in a large area of power failure. As an important part of connecting the two same areas of the power network, the transmission section embodies the weak link of the power network, and its safety and stability have a direct impact on the safe and stable operation of the system. It is usually the focus of monitoring and control for power grid operators. However, the existing research work on transmission section is not theoretical and systematic, the feasibility of searching and identifying the transmission section is weak, and the research on transmission section safety is too little. In view of the above deficiencies, this paper mainly from the following three aspects of research. Firstly, the research contents of transmission section are systematized and theorized. In this paper, four searching methods of transmission section identification in existing literature are summarized. In addition, based on the importance of the safety of transmission section to the safe and reliable operation of the system, the analysis of the safety stability of the transmission section is explained in detail. Secondly, a method is proposed to identify the key branches of the system and form the key transmission sections of the system by using the electrical intermediate index values of the system. A practical system state partition model and a key section sorting method are introduced, and a set of key transmission sections searching method flow is established by using electrical medium. Finally, the IEEE-39 node system is compared with the existing search methods, and the cross-section search of UHV power grid in China is carried out by using this method. The results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective. Finally, based on the initial grid and target grid of "Sanhua" UHV power grid in China, the PSD-BPA power system calculation and analysis program is used. The safety and stability of the feed section of the Ordos / Shanxi power supply base, the safety and stability of the receiving section of the receiving end load center of East China Power Grid and the safety stability of the DC section of the west Sichuan power supply are studied emphatically. The results of the study have important reference value for formulating the stability control measures of the power network in the transition stage of the planning period and ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the system.


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