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发布时间:2018-08-18 18:32
[Abstract]:With the development of Internet of things technology, more and more traditional devices have been given more intelligent control functions. This kind of change also has the influence which cannot be ignored to the present LED profession, especially in the office area and the hotel and so on indoor lighting more concentrated place, the equipment energy saving, the management centralization, the control intelligence tendency is very obvious. Hotel LED intelligent lighting system is a combination of the actual needs of modern hotels and computer control technology gradually mature product, the original application in the production industry to expand the frontier technology to the consumer field. Satisfied the consumer to the consumer environment comfortable and the enterprise to the management terseness higher request. Based on this idea, an intelligent lighting management system using client / server mode is designed in this paper. On the basis of common single timer or sensor automatic control, the function of remote query and configuration of lighting mode is added to the client, which effectively provides the utilization rate of power resources. The system is divided into the sensor control terminal installed on the lighting device and the data acquisition and lighting control subsystem of the centralized management control terminal. The user management subsystem which manages and configures the device controller and the client operation subsystem installed on the Android mobile phone is composed of the user management subsystem and the client operation subsystem installed on the Android mobile phone. According to the method of software engineering, the requirement of the system is analyzed, then the corresponding UML diagram is drawn, and the system use case diagram and database model are designed step by step. Finally, the overall design of the system is realized. Then the detailed design schemes of each subsystem are discussed, including interface design, database design and communication protocol design. The design idea of high concurrency server based on Linux system is applied to the user management server to ensure the service stability in the case of large scale of the system. By using the unified server management mode, the system provides reliable service guarantee and continuous inquiring record function for hotel lighting management. And can provide valuable data information for future lighting energy saving planning and optimization.


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