[Abstract]:Reactive power loss is the main component of power loss. The transmission of reactive power in the line has a very bad effect on the power system and distribution network of industrial and mining enterprises. Coal mining enterprises are important customers of electricity consumption, and reducing power loss in power supply system is one of the important measures to reduce the cost of coal mining. With the increasing mechanization of fully mechanized mining face and the large increase of coal production, the total installed capacity and single machine power of the electrical equipment in the working face are increased significantly, and the distance between the power supply and the electric equipment is greatly increased. The consumption of reactive power by electric equipment causes the problems of low power factor, low load terminal voltage and difficult start-up of equipment. Reactive power compensation technology can reduce the line loss of underground distribution network and the reactive power loss of transformers, improve the power quality of power supply and distribution system, improve the power supply environment, and reduce the power operation cost of coal mining system. In order to achieve the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction. Based on the test and analysis of the key electrical parameters in the power supply and distribution system of the fully mechanized coal face in Zhangjiaomao coal mine, it is clear that the power factor is low in the power supply system of the fully mechanized coal mining face of Zhangjiaomao coal mine. The load terminal voltage is on the low side and the harmonic content is large. Based on the comparison of various reactive power compensation technologies, the dynamic reactive power compensation (SVG) technology is selected to comprehensively deal with the existing problems in fully mechanized coal mining face, the reactive power compensation scheme is designed, and the project installation and implementation are carried out. By analyzing the effect of field operation, it is shown that two kinds of compensation schemes of different voltage grade compensators are selected according to the different voltage levels of electric equipment, which enhances the comprehensive compensation effect and improves the reliability, safety and economy of the power supply system.
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