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发布时间:2018-08-21 08:06
[Abstract]:According to the requirements of the 12th Five-Year Plan, China will start construction of nuclear power projects with a total installed capacity of 4000 kilowatts in the next five years. "safe and efficient development of nuclear power" has become the general program of nuclear power development in this period. The current nuclear power project is ushered in a new round of development opportunities, as China's nuclear power construction gradually entered the stage of large-scale development, specialized, standardized pre-project work has become the direction of sustainable development of nuclear power. The early stage work of nuclear power construction project is the foundation of high quality construction and safe operation of nuclear power, so the reliability and efficiency of the early stage work of nuclear power also become a subject of wide concern in the whole society. This study is a sub-topic of horizontal scientific research project "Construction of innovative management system in the early stage of nuclear power project construction", which aims to study the key success factors of early stage management of nuclear power construction project. This paper systematically collects and arranges the domestic and foreign literature materials on related topics such as nuclear power project pre-work, nuclear power project management, key success factors and so on, and clearly defines the connotation and working elements of nuclear power construction project pre-management. Combing the process of pre-management of nuclear power construction project, analyzing the objectives of pre-management of nuclear power, analyzing the characteristics of relevant research results at home and abroad and the points that can be used for reference. The particularity and research value of key success factors in early stage management of nuclear power construction project in China are clarified. This paper summarizes the elements of the pre-management of nuclear power project, including the management elements of the pre-management of the nuclear power project, the analysis, arrangement and reconstruction of the content and process. Based on the analysis of management elements, this paper determines the improved AHP as the method of determining the weight of management elements, that is, the method of identifying key success factors through the comparison and selection of the method of determining the weight of the management elements. The identification framework of key success factors in early stage management of nuclear power construction project is constructed. Two rounds of Delphi method are used to collect data. By calculating the weights of each work element, 10 key success factors are identified, 28 key success factors are identified, and about two work elements are reduced under the framework of identification of key success factors. Finally, the key success factors identified are applied to the actual project to guide the project management optimization, and the scientific and practical value of the key success factors are verified by the project practice. This study identified the key success factors of early management of nuclear power construction project and passed the practical test of a nuclear power project. The research results can provide new ideas and horizons for all parties involved in nuclear power projects, especially for owners of nuclear power, optimize the form of pre-management, and provide a theoretical and practical reference for the pre-management of nuclear power construction projects.


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