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发布时间:2018-08-22 15:30
[Abstract]:The wind turbine absorbs wind energy by rotating the wind turbine, converts the kinetic energy of the air flow into mechanical energy, and then converts the energy into electric energy to the power grid. Tower and tube is the main supporting part of wind turbine, and it is a tall structure with thin shell shape. It is in the natural atmosphere for a long time. It is restricted by atmospheric turbulence, wind shear, wind direction change and tower shadow effect. This makes the tower and cylinder subjected to very complex aerodynamic load, which has a great impact on the aerodynamic performance and service life of the wind turbine. In order to ensure the safe, reliable and effective operation of the wind turbine and avoid the accident, it is necessary to analyze the load on the tower and tube of the wind turbine during the design of the wind turbine. Therefore, it is of great significance to optimize the safety and improve the performance of tower and tube structure, especially for large and medium sized wind turbines. Taking a certain type of 2MW wind turbine as an example, the mechanical model of wind turbine under steady and dynamic conditions is constructed by using GH-Bladed software, and the simulation calculation is carried out. Based on the knowledge of aerodynamics and structural dynamics, the load of tower and cylinder is analyzed and verified in detail with the help of IEC and GL standard files. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the coordinate system of wind turbine is established, and the transmission mode and simplified method of load are studied deeply. According to the structural load characteristics, six kinds of loads are summarized: top aerodynamic load, hub torque, tower wind load, bending moment caused by nose eccentricity, nose gravity load and tower gravity load. These loads are simplified along the three axes and the equivalent concentrated force (torque) is calculated. (2) in the steady-state performance analysis of wind turbine, the influence factors of generating power are mainly studied. In the variable propeller wind turbine, the main factors affecting power generation are tip speed ratio and pitch angle. By adjusting the pitch angle of the propeller, the blade tip velocity ratio is changed and the optimal value of power generation is obtained. (3) the limit load of the four main sections of the tower tube is analyzed, and the variation law of the bending moment at the four sections is determined. With the different wind conditions, the mechanical state of the components of the engine room changes, and the bending moment of each section of the tower tube and the maximum moment section will also change. In addition, special attention is paid to the vibration problem, which is always the main factor affecting the safety of the unit in operation and shutdown. (4) the fatigue load of the tower and cylinder is analyzed by GH-Bladed software, and the curve of the relationship between the stress level and the cumulative cycle number is obtained. It is determined by fatigue test that the damage of tower and cylinder can be regarded as a linear cumulative relationship with stress cycle under repeated action of given stress level, and damage occurs when the damage accumulates to a certain critical value.


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