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发布时间:2018-08-29 15:35
【摘要】:输电线路是电力系统的重要组成部分,是电网安全运行的基础。输电线路设计和运行时,需要着重考虑的是导线的应力与弧垂,由于其对输电线路的安全供电,以及运行至关重要,因此必须控制在设计规定的范围内。要把输电线路系统变得更加智能化,就必须对输电线路上的所有相关状态参数进行实时监测。这些参数中最主要的就是导线的应力大小和弧垂,因此对其进行有效监测和管理具有非常重要的意义,是智能化输电线路的重要一环。 本文对输电线路导线应力与弧垂进行了详细的理论分析,深入研究了在线监测的国内、外研究现状及其监测方法。对目前应力在监测中普遍采用的应力传感器的优缺点进行了分析,以及对弧垂监测的几种方法进行了研究。本文采用双基地声纳定位法来监测弧垂,对其测量原理和精度都进行了详尽的分析。此法不必计算弧垂的有关量,而是通过对有关参数进行计算而得出弧垂。通过声纳法直接测得弧垂,快速、准确,且精度高。同时,构架了导线应力与弧垂监测的软硬件系统,并对各个模块进行说明。
[Abstract]:Transmission line is an important part of power system and the basis of safe operation of power network. In the design and operation of transmission lines, the stress and sag of conductors should be taken into account. Since they are very important to the safe power supply and operation of transmission lines, they must be controlled within the scope of design. In order to make the transmission line system more intelligent, it is necessary to monitor all the relevant state parameters on the transmission line in real time. The most important of these parameters is the stress size and sag of the conductor, so it is very important to monitor and manage them effectively and is an important part of intelligent transmission line. In this paper, the stress and sag of transmission line conductors are analyzed in detail, and the domestic and foreign research status and monitoring methods of on-line monitoring are deeply studied. The advantages and disadvantages of stress sensors which are widely used in stress monitoring are analyzed, and several methods of sag monitoring are studied. In this paper, bistatic sonar positioning method is used to monitor sag, and its measuring principle and accuracy are analyzed in detail. This method does not need to calculate the relevant quantity of sag, but obtains sag by calculating the relevant parameters. The sag can be measured directly by sonar. It is fast, accurate and accurate. At the same time, the software and hardware system of traverse stress and sag monitoring is set up, and each module is explained.


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