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发布时间:2018-08-31 12:52
[Abstract]:With the vigorous development of nuclear power industry, nuclear safety culture is becoming more and more important. The International Atomic Energy Agency proposed the concept of a nuclear safety culture in its analysis of the Chernobyl accident. The development of nuclear safety culture originates from nuclear power, which in turn promotes the development of nuclear power industry. The construction of nuclear safety culture has become the basic work of nuclear power industry development. Nuclear safety culture has become the core of nuclear power enterprise culture and an important guarantee of nuclear safety. The purpose of this paper is to study the role of nuclear safety culture in the "deep defense" system of nuclear safety, and to apply the concept and management system of nuclear safety to conventional thermal power plants. This paper describes the concept of nuclear safety culture, and the evolution of the concept of historical characteristics, systems, processes and basic requirements for the construction of nuclear safety culture, discusses the importance and necessity of building a nuclear safety culture, and through organizational construction. System building and nurturing of a nuclear safety culture for employees, as well as continuous improvement based on self-assessment and external review of nuclear power plants. In this paper, the nuclear safety culture management theory is used to analyze the shortcomings of nuclear power and conventional thermal power safety culture management, and combined with the safety management situation of Datang Leiyang Power Plant, the concept of "safety first, deep defense" is introduced. Suggestions for improvement are also put forward. Through the research of this paper, it is expected that the application of nuclear power safety culture in conventional thermal power plants can improve the core competitiveness of enterprises and promote the realization of the strategic objectives of enterprises. It is hoped that the research results of this paper can provide some reference for the safety and environmental management of other conventional thermal power plants.


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