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发布时间:2018-08-31 17:53
【摘要】:随着我国电气化高速铁路的不断发展,高速铁路与电力系统的联系也越来越密不可分,铁路电力贯通线为铁路沿线信号、通信及其他铁路综合用电设备提供电能,其电压是否正常对高速铁路的安全运行具有重要意义。由于电缆具有受环境影响小、不占地面空间、不暴露目标、安全性好、可靠性高等一系列的优点,其在铁路电力贯通线中的比例不断上升。我国的高速铁路,普遍采用了1OkV全电缆电力贯通线的模式。 电缆的分布电容较大,在系统正常或故障时会有较大的电容电流流过,这又给全电缆贯通线路带来了一系列必须解决的问题。电缆的容性电流大,电容效应会使线路末端电压升高,导致电压分布不合理,甚至超出允许范围。过大的容性电流使系统容性无功过剩,进线功率因数较低达不到要求。中性点不接地方式下会使电弧不能自熄。本文通过理论分析电缆的运行情况,结合电缆在实际工程中的应用,研究了全电缆电力贯通线的调压技术,使电压达到供电标准。 本文探讨了铁路10kV电力贯通线中电缆的应用情况,讨论了电缆的集中参数模型和分布参数模型并从两种模型的角度分别说明了其电压升高的原因。依据调压原理研究了全电缆贯通线的调压技术,验证了通过有载调压器与无功补偿相配合的调压策略的有效性,无功补偿宜采用配电所集中补偿和沿线设置并联电抗器分散补偿相结合的补偿方式。75%的补偿度不适用于大长电缆,补偿度应随着电缆的增长相应的增大。介绍了并联电抗器、SVC、SVG的补偿原理。 津秦客运专线是设计时速高达350km标准客运专线,其电力贯通线采用全电缆模式。本文针对津秦客专滨海北配电所至唐山变配电所供电区段的电力贯通线进行了PSCAD/EMTDC软件仿真和现场实测。通过在不同负载率下对各种调压方式效果的仿真,确立了最佳的调压方案。在工程现场条件允许的情况下,进行了多种调压方式的测试,验证了调压技术的正确性。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of electrified high-speed railway in China, the connection between high-speed railway and power system is becoming more and more inseparable. Railway power through line provides electric energy for railway signal, communication and other railway comprehensive electric equipment. Whether the voltage is normal or not is of great significance to the safe operation of high-speed railway. A series of advantages, such as small environmental impact, not occupying ground space, not exposing targets, good safety and high reliability, are rising in the proportion of railway power transmission line.
The distributed capacitance of the cable is large, and when the system is normal or faulty, there will be large capacitive current flowing through the cable, which brings a series of problems that must be solved. The current makes the system capacitive reactive power excess and the power factor of the feeder is lower than the requirement.The arc can not extinguish itself if the neutral point is not grounded.This paper analyzes the operation of the cable theoretically and studies the voltage regulation technology of the power through line of the whole cable in combination with the application of the cable in the actual project to make the voltage reach the power supply standard.
This paper discusses the application of cables in railway 10kV power through-line, discusses the lumped parameter model and distributed parameter model of cables, and explains the reasons for their voltage rise respectively from the two models. Based on the voltage regulation principle, the voltage regulation technology of all-cable through-line is studied, and the phase between on-load voltage regulator and reactive power compensation is verified. For the validity of the voltage regulation strategy, the reactive power compensation should be combined with the centralized compensation of the distribution station and the distributed compensation of shunt reactors along the line. 75% of the compensation degree is not suitable for long cables. The compensation degree should increase with the increase of the cables. The compensation principle of shunt reactors, SVC and SVG is introduced.
The Tianjin-Qinhuangdao passenger dedicated line is designed as a standard passenger dedicated line with a speed of 350 km/h and its power through line adopts the whole cable mode.The PSCAD/EMTDC software simulation and field measurement of the power through line from Binhai North Distribution Station of Tianjin-Qinhuangdao passenger dedicated to the power supply section of Tangshan Transformer and Distribution Station are carried out in this paper. The simulation results show that the optimal voltage regulation scheme is established. Under the allowable conditions of the project site, a variety of voltage regulation methods are tested to verify the correctness of the voltage regulation technology.


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