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发布时间:2018-09-01 07:25
[Abstract]:The main pollutant control technologies used in coal-fired power plants at home and abroad are as follows: hot flue gas is selectively catalyzed by SCR, and the flue gas temperature is lowered to 120-140 C by air pre-heater before DESP. In order to improve desulfurization efficiency and control water mist discharge, the FGD tower is installed before and after wet desulfurization. The heat exchanger GGH lowers the flue gas temperature to 70~90 C and then enters the desulfurization tower. After desulfurization, the flue gas is reheated from 60 C to 70~90 C and discharged. This technical route is still used in European coal-fired power plants to realize chimney outlet particles.
【作者单位】: 神华国能(神东电力)集团;


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