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发布时间:2018-09-05 18:41
[Abstract]:With the formal commissioning of 1000kV AC UHV transmission line from north Zhejiang to Fuzhou, three UHV AC transmission lines have been built and put into operation in China. The UHV AC transmission project in China has wide application prospect and great economic benefit. In order to ensure the safe and economical operation of AC UHV power grid, and to maximize the ability of UHV transmission and obtain better economic benefits, it is necessary to aim at the typical operating conditions of UHV AC power grid. The reactive power and voltage control strategy of AC UHV transmission line is analyzed to provide technical support for the operation of interconnected power grid. This paper takes AC UHV transmission system as the research object, on the basis of summing up the previous researches and combining the characteristics of the AC UHV transmission system, a complete set of reactive power and voltage control strategy for UHV transmission line is studied. The main work is as follows: 1. The development of UHV technology at home and abroad and the research status of reactive power and voltage control of UHV transmission line are introduced, and the characteristics of reactive power and voltage control of UHV transmission line are introduced. The three-stage voltage control mode is introduced, and the three-stage voltage control mode is selected as the research object, and the two-stage voltage control is emphatically studied, on the basis of which, the AC UHV power network is taken as the research object. Combined with the characteristics of reactive power and voltage operation in UHV near area power grid, a coordinated secondary voltage control mode for AC UHV near area power network is proposed. In this model, the method of reactive power and voltage control in UHV near area is described in detail. A reactive power optimization model for UHV transmission line is established with the minimum active power loss and the maximum minimum singular value of Jacobian matrix as the optimization objectives. The model can not only optimize reactive power, reduce network loss, but also improve the static voltage stability of the system. The basic principle and operation of standard genetic algorithm are studied, and the characteristics of reactive power optimization problem are improved. An improved adaptive genetic algorithm is proposed. Including the improvement of genetic coding, the improvement of selection operator, the introduction of elite strategy and adaptive crossover rate and mutation rate, and the construction of adaptive weight and evaluation function. By applying the above methods and ideas, a whole set of reactive power and voltage control strategies for UHV transmission lines are studied and applied to the simulation of EHV power network in East China. The calculation results show that the control strategy is effective.


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