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发布时间:2018-09-05 18:57
【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展以及工业化进程的加快,我国电力需求量持续高速增长。然而,电力工业如此迅猛的增长速度一方面促进了我国经济高速发展,另一方面也导致我国面临着严峻的环境保护危机。火电厂生产过程中排放的二氧化硫、氮氧化物等大气污染物及温室气体对大气环境和气候变化造成了难以预计的影响。因此,本文针对天津某典型火电厂SO2、NOx脱除过程中协同产生的C02量进行了核算,结合电厂实际情况设置了4种不同的SO2、NOX、CO2减排情景,并基于协同效应的量化分析,估算了不同减排情景下的CO2排放量,对不同脱碳率下的SO2、NOx去除工艺的协同减排效益进行了深入研究。结果表明:该电厂脱硫工艺(石灰石-石膏湿法)每减少1吨S02排放,同时增加2.28吨C02排放量,电厂脱硝工艺(低氮燃烧和SCR联合工艺)每减少1吨NOx排放,同时增加了0.77吨C02,均对二氧化碳减排产生了负效益,当脱碳比分别为1:2:3:4时,电厂实际每日排放的CO2量为5925.59、5369.59、4813.51、4257.47吨。 基于鲁棒优化方法,结合协同减排核算得到的协同效应系数以及核算方法,本研究构建了大协同控制模式下的火电厂机组负荷优化模型。通过结果可以看出,该模型能有效反应火电厂污染物减排与温室气体控制的耦合关系,实现大协同控制模式下的火电厂机组负荷优化运行,进而为火电厂管理者制定合理的机组负荷分配计划提供科学有效的决策依据。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and the acceleration of industrialization, the demand for electricity in China has been increasing at a high speed. However, the rapid growth rate of the power industry has promoted the rapid development of our economy on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has also led to the severe environmental protection crisis in China. The emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and greenhouse gases from thermal power plants have an unpredictable impact on the atmospheric environment and climate change. Therefore, in this paper, the co production of CO2 in the SO2,NOx removal process of a typical thermal power plant in Tianjin has been calculated, and four different scenarios of SO2,NOX,CO2 emission reduction have been set up according to the actual situation of the power plant, and based on the quantitative analysis of synergy effect, The CO2 emissions under different emission reduction scenarios were estimated and the synergistic emission reduction benefits of SO2,NOx removal processes under different decarburization rates were studied. The results show that the desulfurization process (limestone gypsum wet process) reduces 1 ton of S02 emissions, increases 2.28 tons of CO2 emissions at the same time, and reduces 1 ton of NOx emissions from the power plant denitrification process (low nitrogen combustion and SCR combined process). At the same time, the increase of 0.77 tons C02 has negative benefit on carbon dioxide emission reduction. When the decarburization ratio is 1: 2: 3, respectively, the actual daily CO2 emission of the power plant is 5925.59% 5369.59% 4813.51% 4257.47 tons. Based on the robust optimization method, combined with the synergistic effect coefficient and the accounting method, the load optimization model of thermal power plant under the mode of large cooperative control is constructed. The results show that the model can effectively reflect the coupling relationship between pollutant emission reduction and greenhouse gas control in thermal power plants, and realize the optimal load operation of thermal power plants under the mode of large cooperative control. Then it provides a scientific and effective decision basis for the managers of thermal power plants to make reasonable load distribution plans for units.


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