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发布时间:2018-09-05 20:08
【摘要】:近几年,随着政府对电动汽车产业的大力扶持,电动汽车产业得到了大跨越快速发展,带动了重要的电动汽车基础服务设施—电动汽车充电站的大规模建设。电动汽车的安全可靠充电对电动汽车充电站充电设备的可靠性及自动化控制程度提出了更高的要求。加之,电动汽车充电站作为现代化智能电网中的重要部分,大量充电设备的接入势必会对现行输配电网造成影响。因此,电动汽车充电站自动化充电管控系统和电能质量标准的多参数监测成为电动汽车相关领域的研究重点。相应的电动汽车充电站充电管控装置与电能质量监测设备研制也成为汽车充电站设计中的必要环节,对智能电网与电动汽车产业的发展具有重大意义。 本文在分析研究国内外电动汽车充电站充电管控和电能质量领域的发展现状和趋势的基础之上,首次提出对电动汽车充电时动力电池储能技术指标与电网电能质量参数同时测量的概念,使得装置功能多样化。课题来源于山西省大同电力公司重点科技项目《电动汽车充电站充电管控与电能质量监测装置研制》,在研究网络通信技术、数据采集技术和传感器技术的基础上,研制了一套以ARM技术和传感器技术为核心的电动汽车充电站充电管控与电能质量监测系统。 本课题所做具体工作如下: (1)分析了国内外电动汽车充电站充电管控与电能质量监测系统的发展现状,阐述了充电站充电管控系统与电能质量监测系统在现如今电动汽车产业发展中的重要意义。 (2)针对现有各类型电动汽车动力电池以及各种SOC估算模型的优缺点进行了比较分析,并考虑到系统实用性和针对性,提出了一套基于动力电池SOC估算的充电管控方案,设计了一种新的Ah—电动势法SOC估算模型,解决了动力电池充电参数监测准确性差的问题,实现了对充电设备的管控。 (3)设计了监测系统的硬件电路,包括各部分元件的选取以及微处理器、网络通信、传感器数据采集、JTAG接口、系统供电等电路的设计。针对系统使用到的技术背景进行了阐述,为控制软件的安全运行提供了可靠的硬件平台。 (4)设计了相应的监测系统软件,分别对各个子软件模块程序进行了详细说明。软硬件测试成功后对整体系统进行了实验,将实验结果与标定值做了比较,结果验证了系统监测功能的可行性和准确性。对高次谐波的测量精度有待改进。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the strong support of the government to the electric vehicle industry, the electric vehicle industry has developed rapidly, which has led to the large-scale construction of the electric vehicle charging station, which is an important basic service facility for electric vehicles. The safe and reliable charging of electric vehicles requires higher reliability and automation control of charging equipment in charging stations of electric vehicles. In addition, as an important part of modern smart grid, the access of a large number of charging equipment will inevitably affect the current transmission and distribution network. Therefore, the automatic charge control system of electric vehicle charging station and the multi-parameter monitoring of power quality standard become the research focus of electric vehicle related field. The development of charging control device and power quality monitoring equipment for electric vehicle charging station has become a necessary link in the design of car charging station, which is of great significance to the development of smart grid and electric vehicle industry. Based on the analysis and research of the current situation and trend in the field of charge control and power quality of electric vehicle charging station at home and abroad, For the first time, the concept of simultaneous measurement of energy storage parameters of power batteries and power quality parameters during charging of electric vehicles is proposed, which makes the functions of the devices diversified. The subject comes from the key scientific and technological project of Datong Electric Power Company of Shanxi Province, "the Development of charging Control and Power quality Monitoring device for Electric vehicle charging Station", which is based on the research of network communication technology, data acquisition technology and sensor technology. A charge control and power quality monitoring system for electric vehicle charging station based on ARM technology and sensor technology is developed. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the development status of charge control and power quality monitoring system for electric vehicle charging station at home and abroad is analyzed. The important significance of charge control system and power quality monitoring system of charging station in the development of electric vehicle industry is expounded. (2) aiming at various types of electric vehicle power battery and various SOC estimation models. The advantages and disadvantages are compared and analyzed. Considering the practicability and pertinence of the system, a charging control scheme based on SOC estimation of power battery is proposed, and a new SOC estimation model of Ah- EMF is designed, which solves the problem of poor monitoring accuracy of charging parameters of power battery. The control of charging equipment is realized. (3) the hardware circuit of the monitoring system is designed, including the selection of each component and the design of microprocessor, network communication, JTAG interface of sensor data acquisition, system power supply and so on. The technical background of the system is described, which provides a reliable hardware platform for the safe operation of the control software. (4) the corresponding monitoring system software is designed, and each sub-software module program is described in detail. After the software and hardware test was successful, the whole system was tested, and the experimental results were compared with the calibration values. The results verified the feasibility and accuracy of the monitoring function of the system. The measurement accuracy of high order harmonics needs to be improved.


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