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发布时间:2018-10-09 15:46
【摘要】:随着老年人口的剧增,老龄化社会日益加剧,银发事业日趋发展成为未来消费市场的热点。老龄化社会的加剧定会产生很多的老龄化社会问题,给予这个群体更多的关注是大势所需。老年人对人生同样充满了美好的憧憬,,也同样希望能找到属于自己的生活体验,满足自我需求的物品,通过与产品的交流,从而获得身心的愉悦和幸福。他们急需社会的关爱,亲人的设计体现了对特殊群体的关注和尊重,银色事业的意识是社会未来市场发展的大趋势,老龄化社会带来了银发商机,带动着就业,同时也带动着市场。 与此同时,对老年群体需求的关注与关爱更是当前社会”以人为本“观念的诠释,尤其对于除了生理、安全之外其它需求的研究和反思更是必然,从现有市场来说,针对老年生活用品类的产品市场存在欠缺,针对医疗器械等相关方面的产品较多,如助听器、助视器、助行器等,而针对老年人,特别是居家老年人的生活用品如厨卫家电、浴室用品等的研究还尚处在初级阶段,没有发生实质性的变化。 “设计源于生活,又高于生活”,发现生活中存在问题不是关键,关键是要找到解决问题的方式方法,提出合理的解决方案,这才是设计的目的。本文通过研究感性设计思维方法,通过研究老年人这一特殊群体的需求,结合形态要素分析、产品意向分析等感性设计方法对生活用品--厨卫家电进行设计研究。通过感性设计思维的运用,研究人们理想的未来用户模型,从而设计出符合特殊群体需要的物。从更深层次说设计是更能传情达意的事情,用柳冠中教授的话说:设计与其说是造物,不如说是在叙事、抒情、讲理。就是在通过设计的物来传达那些未被明述的需求,而物往往承载着人们的愿景,与物沟通从而让人与产品产生情感共鸣,感悟到人性的关怀和爱护。
[Abstract]:With the rapid increase of the elderly population, the aging society is becoming more and more serious, and the silver hair business is becoming a hot spot in the future consumer market. The aggravation of the aging society will lead to many problems of aging society, and it is necessary to pay more attention to this group. The elderly are also full of beautiful longing for life, but also hope to find their own life experience, to meet their own needs, through the exchange of products, so as to obtain physical and mental pleasure and happiness. They are in urgent need of social care, the design of their loved ones reflects the concern and respect for special groups, the awareness of silver cause is the general trend of the future market development of society, the aging society brings business opportunities for silver hair, which leads to employment. At the same time also drive the market. At the same time, concern and care for the needs of the elderly is the interpretation of the concept of "people-oriented" in the current society, especially for the research and reflection of other needs besides physiology and security. In view of the shortage of the product market of the household goods for the elderly, there are many products related to medical devices, such as hearing aids, visual aids, mobility aids, etc., but for the elderly, especially for the elderly at home, such as kitchen and bathroom appliances, Bathroom supplies and other research is still in the initial stage, no substantial changes have taken place. "Design originates from life and is higher than life". It is not the key to find a way to solve the problem and to put forward a reasonable solution, which is the purpose of the design. In this paper, the perceptual design thinking method, the needs of the elderly as a special group, the form factor analysis, the product intention analysis and other perceptual design methods are studied to design the household appliances. Through the use of perceptual design thinking, the ideal future user model is studied, and the objects that meet the needs of special groups are designed. In the words of Professor Liu Guanzhong, design is not so much a creation as narrative, lyric and rational. It is through the design of things to convey those unstated needs, and things often bear people's vision, and communicate with things so that people and products have emotional resonance, to understand the care and love of human nature.


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