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发布时间:2018-10-09 16:00
【摘要】:随着电子技术和芯片制造技术的发展,电子处理器具备了高速率、微体积、微功耗等特点,因而结合各种先进传感器,将电子处理器嵌入家用电器中,赋予家用电器“大脑”,使其能够根据环境的改变在不需要人为干预的情况下,自主做出相应调整,从而显著提高用户居住舒适度、便利性和安全性的新兴技术——“智能家居”便应运而生。 本论文着眼于智能家居给日常生活带来的便利性和智能性,对我们平时所使用的电风扇进行了重新设计,,将89C52单片机作为主控制器,采用DS18B20温度传感器测量周围环境温度,重点对模糊控制与PID控制相结合的模糊PID调速技术进行了研究,并应用到该系统中,实现了电风扇可以通过环境温度的变化,自动高精度调节风扇转速,也可根据用户设定的温度调节转速的功能。同时,本设计添加了1602液晶显示模块、HC-SR501红外热释电传感器、ISD4004语音模块、DS1302实时时钟芯片以及PT2262/PT2272无线遥控模块等,实现了当风扇前100°范围内有人时可自动启动,语音提醒当前风扇运转状态,并可实时显示当前温度和时间,以及用户可以通过无线遥控远距离控制风扇,通过ISD语音模块录制音频留言等多种功能。 经测试验证,本论文所设计的基于单片机的多功能自动调温风扇系统可以根据周围环境温度在25℃~36℃范围内由模糊PID调速算法自主高精度调节风扇转速,语音提示风扇运行状态,实时显示当前温度和时间,并可在50m范围内远距离遥控电风扇,同时可对用户进行录音留言等。该系统运转正常,具有噪音低、体积小、智能化、多功能等特点,是智能家居技术在家用电风扇改进方面的成功应用与实践。
[Abstract]:With the development of electronic technology and chip manufacturing technology, the electronic processor has the characteristics of high speed, micro volume, micro power consumption and so on. So it embeds the electronic processor into the home appliance and endows the home appliance "brain" with the combination of various kinds of advanced sensors. According to the change of environment, it can make corresponding adjustment on its own without human intervention, so as to improve the living comfort of users significantly. The "smart home", a new technology of convenience and security, emerges as the times require. Focusing on the convenience and intelligence brought by smart home to daily life, the paper redesigns the electric fan that we usually use. The 89C52 single chip microcomputer is used as the main controller, and the DS18B20 temperature sensor is used to measure the ambient temperature. The fuzzy PID speed regulation technology combined with fuzzy control and PID control is studied and applied to the system. It is realized that the fan can automatically adjust the fan speed with high precision by changing the ambient temperature. You can also adjust the speed of the function according to the temperature set by the user. At the same time, the design adds 1602 LCD module, HC-SR501 infrared pyroelectric sensor, ISD4004 voice module, DS1302 real-time clock chip and PT2262/PT2272 wireless remote control module, which can be automatically started when there is someone in front of the fan in the range of 100 掳. It can display the current temperature and time in real time, and users can control the fan by wireless remote control and record audio messages through ISD voice module. It is proved by test that the multi-function automatic temperature regulating fan system based on single chip microcomputer can adjust fan speed independently and accurately by fuzzy PID speed regulation algorithm in the range of 25 鈩




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