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发布时间:2018-10-10 13:30
【摘要】:近几年,微电子技术和无线通讯技术迅速发展,便携式低功耗设备逐渐走入我们的生活。然而以化学电池为主的传统供电方式存在诸多弊端,如电量有限、需要定期充电、污染环境等,一些设备如海上浮标、海下探测仪等由于安装地点的限制难以定期充电和更换电池,如何为这些低功耗设备提供稳定的电能成为亟待解决的问题。目前,研究人员已经开发了多种利用太阳能、风能、海浪能、人体运动能的能量采集装置,均难以直接获得持续稳定的电能。 本文提出了一种新型摆动式机械能俘能装置,不仅能够收集周围环境中随机性强、波动大的能量,还能为微型发电机提供稳定的转速,以获得稳定的电能。该俘能装置由扭转弹簧拧紧机构、擒纵调速机构、传动轮系等部分组成,在外部激励下能够依靠摆锤的惯性收集周围环境中的动能和位能。其中扭簧拧紧机构能够将摆锤的双向摆动转变为扭簧的单向拧紧运动。拧紧的扭簧能够输出相对稳定的转矩,因此环境中随机的、波动幅度较大的能量被转化为相对稳定的扭簧势能。在擒纵调速机构的控制下,扭簧势能以一定速率释放,经过加速轮系提速后通过单向离合器带动微型发电机产生电能。由于调速机构的振动频率取决于摆轮转动惯量和游丝刚度,通过调节游丝刚度可以调节擒纵调速机构频率,进而实现对输出转速和输出功率的控制。 本文首先介绍摆动式机械能俘能装置的工作原理和设计过程,对关键机构的结钩形式、安装与固定方式、位置分布、传动关系都进行了详细介绍。接着建立了扭簧拧紧过程的数学模型,进行了数值仿真与动力学仿真,研究外部激励与摆锤参数对扭簧拧紧过程的影响。之后建立了擒纵调速机构的三体碰撞模型与各工作阶段的运动方程,进行了数值仿真与动力学仿真,,研究了扭簧力矩,游丝刚度等参数对调速机构工作状况的影响。最后研制了实验样机,并应用音频和视频处理方法研究试验中游丝长度、扭簧力矩对摆轮运动频率、幅值的影响。由于时间紧迫,暂时未能完成对装置的发电性能的研究,将来将继续相关研究。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of microelectronics and wireless communication technology, portable low-power equipment has gradually entered our life. However, there are many disadvantages in the traditional power supply mode, such as limited power supply, need to be recharged regularly, pollution of the environment, and some equipment such as offshore buoys. Due to the limitation of installation location, it is difficult to charge and replace batteries regularly, so how to provide stable electric energy for these low-power devices becomes an urgent problem to be solved. At present, researchers have developed a variety of energy acquisition devices that use solar, wind, wave and human motion energy, which are difficult to obtain sustained and stable electric energy directly. In this paper, a new type of oscillating mechanical energy capture device is proposed, which can not only collect the random and fluctuating energy in the surrounding environment, but also provide a stable rotational speed for the miniature generator to obtain stable electric energy. The device is composed of torsion spring tightening mechanism, escapement and speed regulating mechanism, transmission gear train and so on. Under external excitation, the kinetic energy and potential energy in surrounding environment can be collected by means of inertia of pendulum. The torsion spring tightening mechanism can change the two-way swing of the pendulum into one-way tightening motion of the torsion spring. The tightening torsion spring can output relatively stable torque, so the random and fluctuating energy in the environment is converted into the relatively stable torsion spring potential energy. Under the control of escapement and speed regulation mechanism, the potential energy of torsion spring is released at a certain rate, and the electric energy is generated by the unidirectional clutch after accelerating the speed of gear train. Since the vibration frequency of the speed regulating mechanism depends on the moment of inertia and the stiffness of the swinging wheel, the frequency of the escapement speed regulating mechanism can be adjusted by adjusting the swinging wire stiffness, and then the output speed and output power can be controlled. This paper first introduces the working principle and design process of the swing mechanical energy capture device, and introduces in detail the connection form, installation and fixation mode, position distribution and transmission relation of the key mechanism. Then the mathematical model of the torsion spring tightening process is established and the effects of external excitation and pendulum parameters on the torsion spring tightening process are studied by numerical simulation and dynamic simulation. After that, the three-body collision model of escapement speed regulating mechanism and the motion equation of each working stage are established, and the numerical and dynamic simulation are carried out, and the effects of torsion spring moment, filament stiffness and other parameters on the working condition of the speed regulating mechanism are studied. Finally, the experimental prototype is developed, and the effects of filament length and torsion spring moment on the frequency and amplitude of the swing wheel are studied by using audio and video processing methods. Due to the shortage of time, the research on the power generation performance of the plant can not be completed for the time being and will continue to be studied in the future.


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