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发布时间:2018-10-11 18:57
【摘要】:抽油机电动机的负载始终处于动态变化中,其起动及运行性能的影响因素繁多,经典方法很难得到满意结果。该文从麦克斯韦方程基本物理定律出发,对电动机定转子各电磁量正方向进行了统一规定,建立用于起动及正常运行特性分析的时步有限元模型。以油田常用的37 kW、8极感应电动机驱动的10型抽油机为实例,对比分析了抽油机动液面、平衡状况、电源电压等主要结构及运行参数对起动能力及运行性能的影响。实例计算表明:在抽油机动液面较小的情况下,通过对平衡量及电源电压的协调控制,系统节电率可达到15%。通过与实测数据对比验证了有限元分析结果的正确性。文中研究成果为油田电机系统节能潜力分析及节能新技术开发提供了新的技术基础。
[Abstract]:The load of the pumping unit motor is always in dynamic change. There are many factors affecting the starting and running performance of the motor, so it is difficult to obtain satisfactory results by the classical method. Based on the fundamental physical law of Maxwell's equation, the forward direction of electromagnetic quantities of stator and rotor of motor is unified, and a time-step finite element model for the analysis of starting and normal operation characteristics is established. Taking the 10 type pumping unit driven by 37 kW,8 pole induction motor in oil field as an example, the effects of the main structure and operation parameters of the pumping unit, such as the moving liquid level, the balance condition, the power supply voltage, on the starting ability and the operation performance, are compared and analyzed. The calculation results show that the power saving rate of the system can reach 15% through the coordinated control of the balance and the power supply voltage under the condition that the moving liquid level of the pumping unit is small. The correctness of the finite element analysis is verified by comparing with the measured data. The results of this paper provide a new technical basis for the analysis of energy saving potential and the development of new energy saving technology in oil field motor system.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学数学系;新能源电力系统国家重点实验室(华北电力大学);
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51307050) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助~~


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