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发布时间:2018-10-12 18:40
【摘要】:本文的研究背景是基于宁夏超高压电网的持续发展与建设,其750kV变电站与升压站数目不断增多,加大了宁夏电网750kV变电站中互感器工程质量验收工作量与后期周检工作量,则需要对750kV互感器进行现场误差测量工作,进而确保750kV变电站750kV关口互感器计量精准、安全可靠。有效去除因误差不合格而对电能计量造成的影响,确保电网与电厂、省际电网间电费结算的准确性和公平性及线损计算的准确性。由于750kV超高压电网电压等级高,国内尚缺乏相应的互感器校验设备及方法。若750kV计量用互感器的准确度不能满足,会严重影响电网与电厂、省际电网间电费结算的准确性、公平性及线损计算的准确性,给有关方面带来严重的经济损失。因此,本文通过对常规互感器与750kV高电压等级下现场互感器校验的方法及设备进行对比。利用现有设备进行理论研究及现场试验,使用电容补偿升流法对750kV CT进行校验,降低了试验电源和调压器容量要求,在国内率先实现了800kV罐式断路器中电流互感器的现场校验;采用现有高压介损电桥及感应分压器,在我国最先创建通过高压标准电容和高压介损电桥展开校验实验的现场型750kV电压互感器的成套标准设备,通过间接比较法对其误差进行校验。同时,本文对影响互感器误差的各类因素进行了分析,并对校验电容式电压互感器的各类方法及主标准高压电容的稳定性进行了研究和分析。依照目前应用情况,本文研究结论适用于所有750kV或者低于其电压等级的互感器现场校验实验,还能够将其提升至1000 kV特高压互感器和GIS中互感器的现场校验实验中。希望通过本次研究应用,提升现场750kV互感器计量的准确可靠,从而消除因误差不合格而对电能计量造成的影响,确保电网与电厂、省际电网间电费结算的准确性和公平性及线损计算的准确性。
[Abstract]:The research background of this paper is based on the sustainable development and construction of Ningxia UHV power network, and the number of 750kV substations and booster stations is increasing, which increases the workload of quality acceptance and late weekly inspection of transformer projects in 750kV substations of Ningxia Power Grid. It is necessary to measure the field error of 750kV transformer to ensure the accuracy, safety and reliability of 750kV gate transformer in 750kV substation. In order to ensure the accuracy and fairness of electricity price settlement and the accuracy of line loss calculation between power grid and power plant and provincial power network the influence of non-qualified error on energy metering is effectively removed. Due to the high voltage grade of 750kV UHV power network, there is still a lack of corresponding equipment and methods for calibrating transformer in our country. If the accuracy of 750kV transformer can not be satisfied, it will seriously affect the accuracy, fairness and accuracy of line loss calculation between power grid, power plant and provincial power network, and bring serious economic losses to the relevant parties. Therefore, this paper compares the methods and equipment of conventional transformer and 750kV high voltage transformer calibration. The existing equipment is used to carry out theoretical research and field test, and the capacitive compensation up-current method is used to check the 750kV CT, which reduces the capacity requirements of the test power supply and voltage regulator, and realizes the field calibration of the current transformer in the 800kV tank circuit breaker first in our country. Using the existing high voltage dielectric loss bridge and inductive voltage divider, a complete set of standard equipment of field type 750kV voltage transformer is first established in our country, which is calibrated by high voltage standard capacitance and high voltage dielectric loss bridge. The error is checked by indirect comparison method. At the same time, all kinds of factors affecting the error of transformer are analyzed, and the methods of calibrating capacitive voltage transformer and the stability of main standard high voltage capacitance are studied and analyzed. According to the current application situation, the research conclusions in this paper are applicable to all 750kV or below its voltage level in the field calibration experiments, but also can be upgraded to 1000 kV UHV transformer and GIS in the field test of transformer calibration. It is hoped that through this research and application, the accuracy and reliability of the field 750kV transformer measurement will be enhanced, so as to eliminate the influence on the electric energy measurement caused by the unqualified error, and to ensure the power grid and power plant. The accuracy and fairness of interprovincial electricity settlement and the accuracy of line loss calculation.


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