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发布时间:2018-10-12 20:04
[Abstract]:At present, although the accuracy of the detection technology and equipment of secondary battery is much higher than before, it is limited by such factors as high equipment cost and complex detection algorithm. In general, the actual engineering is often followed by relatively backward battery detection methods. In this paper, based on the electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS) of lithium iron phosphate battery, the simplification and establishment of the impedance model in the low frequency region are studied, and the correctness and application of the model are verified and discussed. It provides a simple and feasible theoretical method for battery performance detection in practical engineering. In the aspect of model establishment, EIS, based on lithium iron phosphate battery is used as the simplified impedance model of the battery in low frequency region by several fitting comparison and correction, and the third order RC circuit is used as the simplified impedance model of the battery in the low frequency region. It is found that the impedance response of solid electrolyte membrane (SEI), on the cathode interface of the battery does not show in the whole frequency band of EIS, but is reflected in the simplified model in the low frequency region. The formation mechanism and impedance characteristics of SEI were studied, and the corresponding equivalent elements were added to the model to modify the model. The modified model is verified by fitting, and the impedance response in the low frequency region and the whole frequency band is in good agreement with the EIS spectrum, which shows the correctness of the model in impedance response. Based on the established equivalent model, the simulation of the discharge characteristics of the battery is carried out. According to the third-order RC circuit theory, the parameters in the circuit model are identified and the functional relationship between the component parameters and the battery SOC is established. On this basis, the simulation model of lithium ion battery is built by using the Simulink simulation platform, and the simulation results of constant current discharge and periodic pulse discharge are carried out. The results show that the errors in both cases are mainly concentrated at the beginning and the end of discharge. From the error value, the simplified model can simulate the charge-discharge characteristics of the battery at DC or low frequency. In the application of the model, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is used to estimate the SOC of the battery. According to the model parameter identification relation, the state equation, the observation equation and the estimation process of the system are established. Then the SOC value calculated by the Ah method is used as the theoretical real value. The simulation of SOC estimation in the case of periodic pulse discharge is carried out in Matlab. The results show that the estimation error of SOC is mainly at the end of discharge. In general, the SOC estimation accuracy of the model can meet the general engineering application requirements. The results show that the simplified impedance model in the low frequency region of EIS can simulate the dynamic characteristics of the battery well and has certain application. It is feasible to apply this method to practical engineering because of its low requirement for equipment and simple and easy to deal with.


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