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发布时间:2018-10-17 11:38
[Abstract]:At present, the information construction plays an unparalleled important role in the electric power enterprise, and the database technology has been more and more widely used in the information construction. The application of large-scale historical data based on database technology is becoming more and more important. With the accumulation of the large order of historical data of the power enterprise operating equipment, the past relational data processing method is very difficult to meet the needs of users. The existing conservative data processing can only satisfy the primary analysis of the data, but it cannot mine the most practical and valuable knowledge implied in the massive data. Moreover, it is more difficult to understand the massive historical data more deeply in the sense of time and space, the result is that the utilization rate of the data is obviously insufficient. Therefore, many enterprises with "historical data treasury", limited by the lack of knowledge, can not dig out the valuable and hidden information in the "treasure house". This paper focuses on the problem that the massive historical data which the power plant enterprises are facing together can not be used most valuable and effectively, using the knowledge of data warehouse, the technology of data mining and the algorithm of data mining. In this paper, a solution that can satisfy the effective and reasonable management of power plant equipment by the responsible manager of power plant equipment is explored. On the premise of deeply understanding the operation principle of power plant equipment, this paper applies the knowledge theory of data warehouse and uses the algorithm of time series data mining to analyze the massive historical data of power station in all aspects. The main techniques and methods of time series data mining are ARTXP algorithm and ARIMA algorithm. In the process of KDD (knowledge discovery) of time series data information, in order to make reasonable long term or short term prediction, and then provide effective support for reasonable decision making. Through the research and analysis of these two mining algorithms, it is an ideal choice to create an effective mixed model of ARTXP algorithm and ARIMA algorithm, which can improve the accuracy and timeliness of trend analysis and discover the rules existing in the given historical data. Knowledge. Finally, the vacuum degree of condenser, which is the core of power plant equipment, is judged and analyzed, and the main factors that influence the vacuum degree of condenser are found out by historical data. Finally, the scientific and reasonable maintenance monitoring measures are given.


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