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发布时间:2018-10-20 08:38
【摘要】:现今,随着经济的发展,电力系统的发展越来越快,,而目前来说我国电力系统的建设仍然相对滞后,存在很多问题,其中电力系统无功优化是一个引人关注的问题,其对保证系统安全性和经济性有着十分重要的意义,因此越来越多的电力工作者开始研究如何在满足电力需求以及保证供电可靠性的前提下,充分依靠无功功率来降低网络损耗,提高系统运行经济性,最终达到提高供电电能质量的目的。 本文首先深入研究了电力系统无功优化计算的背景知识和GAMS(GeneralAlgebraic Modeling System),即通用数学模型系统软件。在无功优化计算的背景知识这部分中,不仅研究了电力系统消耗无功功率的设备与补偿装置,而且还简单的介绍了电力系统的两种无功控制方式;介绍常用的无功优化控制模型。在GAMS软件这部分中,分别介绍了GAMS的开发背景、基本特征、模型与结构以及模型的分类、GAMS常用的求解器,并且研究了基于GAMS的电力系统无功优化的基础。最后以一个8节点的系统为例进行了GAMS建模的示例,十分直观的展示了GAMS程序编写的方法和流程。 其次,建立了连续无功优化的数学模型,包括目标函数、等式约束和不等式约束。对WardHale6和IEEE14系统两个算例按照GAMS的建模的方法研究分析,确定了状态变量和控制变量,建立了一个可以描述为非线性规划问题的数学模型。以系统有功损耗最小为目标函数,以电力系统功率平衡为等式约束,以电容器补偿容量和节点电压为不等式约束,通过研究看出通过无功优化,有功功率损耗明显减少,达到了优化效果,证明了方法的实用性。然后,研究了地区电压无功控制的三种基本方式,并在连续无功优化的基础上建立了基于GAMS的地区电压无功控制的数学模型,并利用GAMS对IEEE14系统进行研究,表明用GAMS进行计算能使综合经济效益有所提高。 最后,介绍了用JAVA进行GAMS二次开发的基本方法,介绍了代码编写的流程和用法。最后通过实际算例验证了将GAMSAPI引入Eclipse中,使用GAMS的底层算法,对GAMS进行二次开发是成功的。通过将GAMS二次开发与InterPSS相对接,可以充分展示基于GAMS开发电力系统实用优化程序的巨大潜力。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the development of economy, the power system is developing more and more rapidly, but the construction of power system in our country is still lagging behind, there are many problems, among which reactive power optimization of power system is a problem that attracts much attention. It is of great significance to ensure the safety and economy of the system. Therefore, more and more electric power workers begin to study how to meet the power demand and ensure the reliability of power supply. Reactive power can be used to reduce the network loss and improve the operation economy of the system. Finally, the power quality of power supply can be improved. In this paper, the background knowledge of reactive power optimization calculation and GAMS (GeneralAlgebraic Modeling System), (General Mathematical Model system) software are studied. In the part of background knowledge of reactive power optimization calculation, not only the equipment and compensation device of reactive power consumption in power system are studied, but also two reactive power control modes of power system are introduced simply. The common reactive power optimal control model is introduced. In the part of GAMS software, the development background, basic characteristics, model and structure of GAMS, classification of model, common solver of GAMS are introduced, and the foundation of reactive power optimization based on GAMS is studied. Finally, taking an 8-bus system as an example, an example of GAMS modeling is given, and the method and flow of GAMS programming are shown intuitively. Secondly, the mathematical model of continuous reactive power optimization is established, including objective function, equality constraint and inequality constraint. According to the modeling method of GAMS, two examples of WardHale6 and IEEE14 systems are studied and analyzed. The state variables and control variables are determined, and a mathematical model which can be described as a nonlinear programming problem is established. Taking the minimum active power loss as the objective function, the power balance of the power system as the equality constraint, and the capacitor compensation capacity and the node voltage as the inequality constraints, the study shows that the reactive power loss is significantly reduced by reactive power optimization. The optimization effect is achieved and the practicability of the method is proved. Then, three basic methods of regional voltage and reactive power control are studied, and the mathematical model of regional voltage and reactive power control based on GAMS is established on the basis of continuous reactive power optimization, and the IEEE14 system is studied by GAMS. It is shown that the comprehensive economic benefit can be improved by GAMS calculation. Finally, the basic method of GAMS secondary development with JAVA is introduced, and the flow and usage of code writing are introduced. Finally, a practical example is given to verify the success of the secondary development of GAMS by introducing GAMSAPI into Eclipse and using the underlying algorithm of GAMS. By docking GAMS secondary development with InterPSS, the great potential of developing practical optimization program for power system based on GAMS can be fully demonstrated.


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