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发布时间:2018-10-21 10:16
[Abstract]:In recent years, electrical failures have seriously affected the reliability of power supply and the safety of people's lives and property, among which the fault arc is an important factor causing electrical failures, and it is easy to occur in residential, shopping malls, mines, planes, etc. The arbitrary position of a distribution system, such as a car. The breakage, aging and loosening of cables and distribution equipment will easily lead to the generation of electric sparks and electric arcs. Because the effective value of series arc current is often less than normal current, the existing protective device is not active, the continuous development of arc will produce local high temperature and easily damage distribution equipment, and cause fire accident. Catastrophe theory is a kind of catastrophe phenomenon in the process of continuous development. The circuit from normal operation to arc production is also a sudden phenomenon. Therefore, the catastrophe theory is applicable to the study of fault arc. Based on this, a fault arc detection method based on catastrophe theory is proposed. This paper mainly studies the series fault arc in the low voltage distribution line and the distribution equipment, and designs the arc circuit breaker, which is intended to be used in the interior of the distribution cabinet, the distribution panel and so on, and to protect the switchgear and circuit inside the cabinet. Firstly, in order to study the characteristics of low-voltage fault arc, a fault arc experiment platform is built, and a lot of data are collected. According to the abrupt characteristics of arc current, the abrupt characteristics of current in time domain, time frequency domain and frequency domain are extracted by integration, root mean square operation, wavelet analysis and Fourier analysis. Four characteristic variables, including integral value variation coefficient, adjacent periodic root mean square, high-frequency variation coefficient and high-order harmonic component variation, are defined to characterize the current mutation. Secondly, the evaluation model of fault arc is established, and the evaluation value is used as the evaluation index of fault arc by using the research method of catastrophe theory evaluation index to evaluate the mutation membership degree of several characteristic variables extracted. The results show that the current characteristic and the evaluation index of the fault arc in the two periods before and after the arc fault are obviously increased compared with the normal operation. By setting threshold and detecting several times, it can effectively distinguish different types of arc faults and distinguish the current when the load starts and changes. It has good generalization and robustness. Finally, the hardware and software design of fault arc circuit breaker based on dsPIC30f2010 digital signal processor is carried out, and the functions of current detection, fault display, key test and tripping drive of circuit breaker are completed.


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