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发布时间:2018-10-22 18:38
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of wind power generation, the grid capacity of wind farm is increasing. In recent years, the construction of large-scale wind farms has been basically completed. In order to increase the installed capacity of new energy generation, China began to tap the resources of decentralized wind farms and vigorously develop decentralized wind farms. However, due to the volatility and uncertainty of wind speed, the wind power generated by wind power generation is also uncertain, and the disturbance to the power grid is becoming more and more serious. At present, many decentralized wind farms do not have short-term wind power forecasting equipment, which brings many difficulties to local scheduling and their own development. Therefore, short-term wind power prediction is imperative for decentralized wind farms. Accurate wind power prediction provides a reliable guarantee for wind farm bidding and has far-reaching significance for the realization of dispatching automation and field guidance. At present, wind power prediction methods mainly include time series method, BP neural network method and support vector machine. However, the time series method is difficult to determine the order, the BP neural network has the weight selection problem, and the support vector machine has the problem of parameter setting. In this paper, according to the actual situation and forecast demand of different wind farms, the improved artificial bee colony combined with three different methods is used to predict the wind power within 0-4 hours by the network method. The results show that, This method is suitable for cases with abundant historical data and high prediction accuracy. Finally, aiming at the problem that BP neural network needs large amount of data, easy to fall into local optimum and slow learning speed, the improved support vector machine method of artificial bee colony is applied to wind power prediction. The prediction accuracy is high and the complicated learning process of other learning algorithms is avoided. It has been proved that the algorithm is suitable for the situation where the data sample is small and the prediction accuracy is high. In order to meet the requirements of the State Grid for the development of decentralized wind power grid and wind farm, a decentralized wind power prediction software is also developed in this paper. The software is based on VB.net language, and it mainly depends on the dynamic link library file of MATLAB when dealing with complex computing process, and it can realize wind power prediction function in the future based on real-time numerical weather forecast and historical wind resource data. In addition, the software can also provide real-time monitoring and early warning function according to the data provided by scheduling. Finally, the software is used to verify and compare the algorithms mentioned in this paper. The results show that these algorithms are applicable and irreplaceable.


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