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发布时间:2018-10-24 09:14
【摘要】:近年来,分布式发电(Distributed Generation, DG)得到了越来越广泛的应用。相比以大机组、高电压、大电网为特征的传统供配电方式,分布式发电能够提供更为高效、清洁、安全的电能。将传统集中供电与分布式发电相结合被视为解决传统大电网问题的最佳方案。分布式发电接入配电网能够产生显著的经济和环境效益,例如减小线路损耗、减少配网电力需求、减少污染物和温室气体的排放等。但是,若分布式发电接入方案的规划和设计不合理,则会产生增大线路损耗、节点电压越限等负面效应,给电网的安全稳定运行带来不良影响。因此,为最大程度地发挥分布式发电的效益同时避免其不良影响,就需要在保证电网系统安全稳定的前提下,合理规划配电网中安装DG的类型、位置、容量,实现分布式发电的最优化安装运行。围绕含分布式发电的配电网优化规划问题,本文从以下几个方面展开了研究。 首先,介绍了典型分布式发电技术及其特点,给出了基于牛顿-拉夫逊法的含分布式发电的配电网潮流算法,结合算例验证了其有效性,并应用该算法量化分析了分布式发电的接入对配电网有功损耗及电压分布的影响。 其次,针对以最小有功损耗为目标的含DG的配电网优化规划问题,考虑配电网中分布式电源接入的位置和容量,以节点电压限制、支路电流限制、DG渗透率限制等配电网运行约束,给出了配电网优化规划模型。结合辐射状配电网的结构特性,提出了基于极值优化算法的求解策略,并对极值优化算法做出改进,以改善其求解性能。应用改进r-EO算法对实际算例进行了求解,结果分析表明DG接入能够有效减少系统有功损耗,并通过算法性能测试验证了改进算法的优越性。 最后,考虑负荷大小及间歇性分布式电源出力的时序特性,从经济性的角度综合分析了DG接入产生的各项收益和投资,应用净现值法给出了最优经济性含DG配电网优化规划模型。在对分布估计算法做出改进的基础上,引入了基于改进PBIL算法的求解策略,并以IEEE-33节点配电网络为例进行了求解。结果分析表明DG接入能够产生可观的经济效益,同时算法性能测试验证了算法改进的有效性。
[Abstract]:In recent years, distributed generation (Distributed Generation, DG) has been more and more widely used. Compared with the traditional power supply and distribution mode characterized by large unit, high voltage and large power grid, distributed generation can provide more efficient, clean and safe power. The combination of traditional centralized power supply and distributed generation is regarded as the best solution to the problem of traditional large power grid. Distributed generation access to the distribution network can produce significant economic and environmental benefits, such as reducing line loss, reducing power demand, reducing emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and so on. However, if the planning and design of the distributed generation access scheme is not reasonable, it will have negative effects such as increasing line losses and voltage overruns, which will bring adverse effects to the safe and stable operation of the power network. Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits of distributed generation and avoid its adverse effects, it is necessary to reasonably plan the type, location and capacity of DG installed in distribution network on the premise of ensuring the safety and stability of power system. Realize the optimal installation and operation of distributed generation. In this paper, the distribution network optimization problem with distributed generation is studied from the following aspects. Firstly, the typical distributed generation technology and its characteristics are introduced, and a power flow algorithm with distributed generation based on Newton-Raphson method is presented. The effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by an example. The influence of distributed generation access on active power loss and voltage distribution of distribution network is analyzed quantitatively by using this algorithm. Secondly, considering the location and capacity of the distributed power access in the distribution network, the node voltage is used to limit the optimal planning of the distribution network with the minimum active power loss as the goal. The distribution network operation constraints such as branch current limitation and DG permeability limit are given, and the optimal planning model of distribution network is given. Based on the structural characteristics of radial distribution network, a solution strategy based on extremum optimization algorithm is proposed, and the optimization algorithm is improved to improve its performance. The improved r-EO algorithm is used to solve the practical example. The results show that the DG access can effectively reduce the active power loss of the system, and the superiority of the improved algorithm is verified by the performance test of the algorithm. Finally, considering the load size and the timing characteristics of intermittent distributed power generation, this paper synthetically analyzes the income and investment generated by DG access from the economic point of view. The optimal economic distribution network planning model with DG is presented by using the net present value (NPV) method. Based on the improvement of the distribution estimation algorithm, a solution strategy based on the improved PBIL algorithm is introduced, and the IEEE-33 node distribution network is taken as an example to solve the problem. The results show that DG access can produce considerable economic benefits, and the algorithm performance test verifies the effectiveness of the improved algorithm.


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