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发布时间:2018-11-12 16:02
[Abstract]:Good grounding in the substation is very important for the safety of the staff and the stable operation of the electrical equipment. Substation grounding network is the unity of grounding, protection grounding and lightning protection grounding of high and low voltage electrical equipment and automatic relay protection device in power system, which provides a common potential reference place for all kinds of electrical equipment in substation. It can not only play the role of voltage balance, but also release the fault current when the system is struck by lightning or short circuit fault, and control the rise of the maximum potential of the grounding grid, thus ensuring the safety of the person and equipment. The grounding grid is buried deeper than the ground, and the corrosion of the grid conductor becomes thinner or even breaks due to the long-term action of the soil. When the system is struck by lightning or short circuit fault, it may cause the expansion of the accident and bring huge economic losses. In our country, the method of large area excavation is usually used in the fault detection of docking ground network. Although this method is simple, but blind, it will affect the normal operation of substations. Therefore, at present, the power system urgently needs to seek a practical way to diagnose the defect position and the defect state of the ground grid conductor without excavation and without affecting the normal operation of the substation, and to evaluate the safety performance of the grounding grid. An effective diagnostic method. In this paper, the fault diagnosis method of grounding grid conductor in substation is studied in detail. The main work is as follows: 1. Using CDEGS grounding analysis software, the simulation model of grounding grid is established, based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Based on the sinusoidal excitation current injected into the grounding grid, the distribution of magnetic induction intensity is simulated and analyzed, and the defect state of the grid conductor is diagnosed according to the distribution characteristics. 2. The effects of soil stratified structure, injection current location and grid conductor structure on the distribution of magnetic induction intensity are analyzed, and the distribution of magnetic induction intensity in the case of corrosion thinning and fracture of grounding grid conductor is studied. 3. When the grounding grid conductor becomes thinner and ruptured, the distribution of magnetic induction intensity is compared and analyzed. Based on the signal distance function, the fault diagnosis program of grounding grid is compiled by Matlab. The mutual distance function between the magnetic induction intensity distribution on the ground surface is calculated and the concrete difference between the waveforms is found so that the fault diagnosis can be carried out by docking the ground network.


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