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发布时间:2018-11-18 13:36
【摘要】:由于传统的化石能源一方面面临着能源枯竭的危机,另一方面在应用的同时会造成极大的环境污染。因此,人类必须开发和利用一些资源丰富的、可再生的其他能源,以满足人们对能源日益增长的需要。在各种可再生能源中,太阳能属于取之不尽,用之不竭的清洁能源,如何将太阳能高效地为人类所用的问题是全世界科学家长期以来需要解决的重要科学和技术难题。太阳电池是最好的太阳能利用元件,制备高效、廉价、大面积的太阳电池成为了各国清洁能源技术研究的主要目标之一。有机太阳电池与传统的无机半导体太阳电池相比,具有制作工艺简单,质量轻且可制备成大面积柔性器件等优点,受到人们的广泛关注。目前,有机太阳电池光电转换效率取得了一定进展,但是器件的稳定性却不是很好,距离商业化应用的要求还有很长的一段路要走,因此如何提高有机太阳能电池的效率和稳定性仍是目前研究的热点问题。 本文研究了利用无机金属氧化物为电极界面修饰层,制备了高效的聚合物太阳电池器件,并且经过测试表明,器件的稳定性也非常的好。具体工作如下: 首先,通过磁控溅射的方式,我们在ITO基片上沉积一层具有高电子迁移率和高光学透过率的氧化锌镓铟(IGZO)薄膜作为ITO阴极的界面修饰层,制备了器件结构为ITO/IGZO/PCDTBT:PC70BM/MoO3/Al的倒置型聚合物太阳电池。 其次,我们对金属氧化物IGZO薄膜作为器件界面修饰层的厚度、热处理温度和热处理时间进行了优化,结果显示薄膜厚度为20nm左右,并且用200℃热处理30min时,器件的性能最佳。在AM1.5G,,100mW/cm2的模拟太阳灯照射下,测得器件的效率为5.63%,没有加界面的对比器件的效率只有3.68%。通过C-V测试、AFM测试和迁移率测试,表明加入IGZO界面层以后,优化了界面的表面形貌,增强了器件的内建电场,提高了载流子的输运和抽取效率,从而提高了器件的能量转换效率。 最后,我们研究了采用醇溶剂处理IGZO薄膜对聚合物太阳电池性能的影响。在AM1.5G,100mW/cm2的模拟太阳灯照射下,测量的结果表明,采用乙醇和甲醇溶剂处理的器件的性能都比没有溶剂处理的器件性能要好,并且乙醇处理优于甲醇处理。器件性能提升的主要原因是醇溶类溶剂可以降低界面的串联电阻,提高载流子的收集效率。 此外,我们还对器件的稳定性进行了测试。我把制备好的器件放置在空气中,每隔十天测试一次,结果表明采用该方法制备聚合物太阳电池器件的稳定性非常的好。我们认为主要原因是磁控溅射法制备得致密IGZO薄膜和蒸镀的MoO3致密薄膜对夹在其中间的活性层材料起到良好的隔绝水氧作用,再加上进一步对器件包封,使得器件的寿命大大提高。
[Abstract]:On the one hand, the traditional fossil energy is facing the crisis of energy depletion, on the other hand, it will cause great environmental pollution when it is applied. Therefore, human beings must develop and utilize some resource-rich, renewable other energy to meet the increasing needs of energy. Among all kinds of renewable energy, solar energy is an inexhaustible and inexhaustible clean energy. How to use solar energy efficiently is an important scientific and technical problem that scientists all over the world need to solve for a long time. Solar cells are the best solar energy components. The preparation of high efficiency, low cost and large area solar cells has become one of the main targets of clean energy technology research. Compared with the traditional inorganic semiconductor solar cells, organic solar cells have the advantages of simple fabrication process, light weight and the ability to fabricate large area flexible devices. At present, some progress has been made in the photoelectric conversion efficiency of organic solar cells, but the stability of the devices is not very good, and there is still a long way to go before the requirements of commercial applications. Therefore, how to improve the efficiency and stability of organic solar cells is still a hot issue. In this paper, high efficient polymer solar cell devices were prepared by using inorganic metal oxides as the interfacial modification layer of the electrode. The stability of the devices was also proved to be very good. The main works are as follows: firstly, we deposited a ZnO indium gallium oxide (IGZO) film with high electron mobility and high optical transmittance on ITO substrate as the interface modification layer of ITO cathode by magnetron sputtering. An inverted polymer solar cell with ITO/IGZO/PCDTBT:PC70BM/MoO3/Al structure was fabricated. Secondly, we optimized the thickness, heat treatment temperature and time of the metal oxide IGZO film as the interface modification layer of the device. The results show that the thickness of the film is about 20nm, and the performance of the device is the best when the film is heat-treated at 200 鈩




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