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发布时间:2018-11-19 12:38
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of oil fields, the number of oil wells with large inclination, horizontal wells and high viscosity, high sand and wax content is gradually increasing. As a new technology, low speed and high torque permanent magnet synchronous motor drive screw pump production gradually. The performance of the submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) as the power engine of the system directly affects the quality and life of the submersible screw pump unit and even the electric pump well as the crude oil output and the oil production cost. In order to improve the efficiency of low speed and large torque submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor and to reduce its grooving torque, the electromagnetic structural parameters of the motor are optimized, and the prototype manufacture and test are completed in this paper. Firstly, the scheme of low speed and high torque submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor is designed. According to the classification characteristics of pole slot matching of permanent magnet synchronous motor, four kinds of pole-slot matching schemes with closed slot and semi-closed slot are studied, and the air gap magnetic density, no-load back EMF, slot torque and output torque are compared and analyzed. Finally, the integer slot scheme with 12 poles and 36 slots is selected. In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to determine the optimal parameters in the design process of submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), the loss and grooving torque of submersible PMSM are analytically analyzed. By analyzing the generation mechanism of the loss and the slot torque, the expression of the relationship between the loss, the slot torque and the electromagnetic parameters of the motor is deduced, and eight electromagnetic structural parameters affecting the loss and the slot torque are obtained. The initial values of the parameters are determined by parameterized analysis. Secondly, the optimization design of electromagnetic parameters of submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor is carried out. There are many electromagnetic structure parameters that affect the performance index of the submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor, but each parameter has different influence on the performance index of the motor, and there is interaction between the electromagnetic structure parameters. Based on the experimental design, four factors which have significant influence on the motor performance are selected from the 8 parameters obtained by considering the interaction effect and the mixed effect among the factors. In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to get the true function relationship between salience factor and motor performance index, the second order response model between salience factor and efficiency and slot torque is fitted by using response surface method and the validity of the model is determined. By using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with elitist strategy, the Pareto optimal frontiers with maximum efficiency and minimum slotting torque are obtained at the same time. In order to solve the problem that error factors inevitably affect the performance of submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), the robust parameter design of submersible PMSM is carried out with the aim of optimizing efficiency and grooving torque. Taking the four significant factors of influence efficiency and slot torque as controllable factors, five error factors were selected as noise factors, and Taguchi method was used to arrange the test scheme of combining control table and noise table. The motor efficiency and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the slotting torque under each scheme are obtained. Through the analysis of mean value, the optimal combination of factors which make the maximum efficiency and the minimum torque of the tooth groove are obtained, and the Pareto optimal factor combination which makes the efficiency maximum and the torque of the tooth slot minimum is obtained by the analysis of the variance number. Finally, the structural design of submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is completed according to the optimized results, and a prototype of submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) with rated power of 9.6 kW and rated speed of 150rpm and its test-bed are manufactured. The no-load test of submersible permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and the load test of simulating downhole oil recovery are carried out. In the test, the motor runs smoothly, the torque and speed fluctuate less, and the efficiency is higher, which is close to the theoretical analysis results, and verifies the effectiveness of the optimal design.


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