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发布时间:2018-11-19 15:30
[Abstract]:With the quickening pace of reform and opening up in China in recent years, the government has put forward the initiative of building a "resource-conserving, environment-friendly" harmonious society ", and the State Grid Company has also strengthened the requirements of the construction of transmission line projects. Under its guiding spirit, various "new technologies, new materials and new processes" are widely used in power grid construction. With the rapid development of China's economy, the regional planning has become more detailed, and the governments at all levels have become more and more open to the development of the islands, and the regional status of the islands has become more and more important. At present, many islands in China have been planned as new comprehensive experimental areas, development zones, ports and wharves, and convenient transportation has become the leading condition for the development and opening of islands. Therefore, local governments at all levels often build bridges to connect the islands with the mainland, which provides a new way for us to solve the power transmission problem that has plagued the islands for a long time. Compared with submarine cable laying mode, using traffic bridge to lay power cable can break through the transmission capacity limit caused by no large section submarine cable. At the same time, the conventional cable can be used on the bridge, which has a high economy. At the same time, laying power cable through the bridge also provides a channel for cable maintenance and maintenance in the future, which greatly improves the reliability of cable operation. This paper focuses on the related technical characteristics of high voltage cable on bridge, the transmission rate of bridge vibration to cable, the temperature change of cable, the extensibility of cable under the condition of bridge expansion and expansion, the long term stress fatigue of metal sleeve under the influence of vibration and thermal expansion. The influence of electromagnetic environment on the laying of HV cable lines on traffic bridges, the selection of structural materials and anticorrosion schemes of bridge frame under high salt fog environment, and the analysis and study on the service life of cables in the environment of bridges are analyzed and studied. In this paper, the author first investigates and studies the similar projects in China, and proves the selection standard of cable, determines the unique cable structure and joint form, and analyzes the causes of cable line faults. The safety measures to prevent the fault of cable line are put forward. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the bridge, the design content of the paper also includes the seismic protection measures of the cable on the bridge, the extensibility, the bridge frame structure in the high salt fog environment and the anticorrosion design, etc. The electromagnetic environment effect of high-voltage cable laid on traffic bridge is analyzed in detail. As a typical case of laying HV cables in traffic bridges, on the one hand, it is necessary to solve the influence of HV cables on traffic bridges in order to meet the safety requirements of public areas. On the other hand, it is necessary to solve the influence of the special performance of the traffic bridge on the HV cable technically, so as to ensure the safe operation of the power grid. This project will provide a new mode for future island power supply, which has certain reference value.


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