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发布时间:2018-11-29 14:09
[Abstract]:With the increasing demand for energy and the increasing attention to climate, solar energy, as a clean and renewable resource, has been used more and more widely. Organic solar cells have become a research hotspot because of their advantages of low cost, good flexibility and large area preparation, and have made many achievements in recent years, and will have great application potential in the future development. The effective layer is an important part of photovoltaic conversion in organic solar cells. The absorption of light and the internal radiation recombination will affect the efficiency of the cell. The analysis of the spectrum corresponding to the optical properties of the effective layer can provide a direction for the further optimization of organic solar cells to a certain extent and has a certain significance of research. In this paper, the UV-Vis absorption spectra of the active layer of polyhexylthiophene: phenyl C60 butyrate (P3HT:PCBM) based bulk heterojunction solar cells are studied. Measurement of photoluminescence and Raman spectra. Through analysis, the following results are obtained: 1. In the effective layer of P3HT:PCBM, the main absorbent material is P3HT, whose absorption is mainly due to the 蟺-蟺 * transition of electrons in its conjugated structure, and the main absorption range is 300-650 nm. The peak value of photoluminescence excitation is at 710nm and 780nm. Compared with P3HT material, the absorption range of P3HT:PCBM is enlarged, but the peak position of visible region is shifted in the direction of short wavelength, and the absorption intensity is decreased. The peak blue shift and intensity attenuation are also observed in photoluminescence. In combination with Raman spectroscopy, the order of the polymer was destroyed, the absorption decreased and the peak position shifted with the addition of PCBM molecule. However, from the point of view of energy level structure, the matching of energy level and the increase of carrier mobility make the recombination degree of charge show a certain weakening, resulting in the attenuation of photoluminescence intensity. By changing the proportion of P3HT:PCBM and combining with the electrical test results of the corresponding devices, it is found that with the increase of the proportion of PCBM, the open circuit voltage of the device increases gradually, which is related to the energy level change caused by the change of the effective layer morphology. When the ratio is 1: 0.8, the cell efficiency and short-circuit current density reach the maximum value. The spectral results are analyzed. The result is that the interaction network formed in the effective layer is the best under this ratio, so that the comprehensive effect of absorption and composition is the best. 2. In order to improve the efficiency of organic solar cells, annealing process has been applied to the fabrication of organic solar cells. Annealing treatment improves the electrical properties of P3HT:PCBM solar cells. After annealing, the absorption curve of the effective layer of P3HT:PCBM increases and the peak position of the visible region moves to the long wavelength direction, and the photoluminescence spectrum tends to decay. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows the enhancement of peak intensity. These results show that annealing increases the degree of crystallization of P3HT polymers in the effective layer, resulting in phase separation between the two materials, and the mobility also increases. With the increase of annealing time and temperature, the distance of phase separation increases, and the efficiency of effective exciton separation decreases with the increase of distance. At the same time, the increase of mobility increases the efficiency of charge transport. Therefore, in the time and temperature changes, there will be a certain equilibrium point. The annealing temperature is 150 degrees Celsius and the duration of 15 minutes should be set optimally after spectroscopic analysis and device measurement.


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