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发布时间:2018-12-16 07:25
【摘要】:输电线路分布范围广、处于野外,面临着各种复杂的地理环境和气候环境,当遇到雷电、暴雨、台风、动植物、飘挂物、吊车等自然及外部环境因素变化时,会导致输电线路故障跳闸,直接影响到线路设备及电网的安全可靠运行。为了降低输电线路跳闸率,运维部门必须要准确识别故障类型,针对不同的故障类型采取不同的措施。目前,国内对输电线路故障类型的辨识研究正处于探索阶段,主要集中在雷击故障辨识的研究,对雷击与非雷击故障之间的辨识研究较少,应用于实际的成果很少。 本文根据线路故障原因划分及研究目的,对输电线路故障类型进行了重新分类定义,将故障类型划分为雷击及非雷击两大类。并对线路故障行波传播的衰减进行了仿真研究,提出了行波在线监测装置最佳安装距离。同时,利用ATP-EMPT电磁暂态仿真软件平台,建立典型的JMarti x线路模型,对不同电压等级输电线路的雷击与非雷击、绕击与反击、高阻与金属性接地等不同类型故障进行仿真计算,并深入分析各类故障下电流暂态仿真波形的不同特性,提出利用故障电流行波波头、波尾时间及极性脉冲等行波电磁暂态特性判别雷击故障与非雷击故故障、雷电绕击与反击、高阻与金属性接地故障故障类型的依据。还对感应雷与直击雷的电磁暂态特性进行了简单的分析,提出其辨识方法。最后根据分布式输电线路行波定位装置及故障录波系统及多年积累的故障行波数据,依据本文提出的故障类型辨识依据对典型的故障跳闸进行判别,结合比对运维单位的现场查找结果,结果表明,本文提出的辨识依据能满足输电线路典型故障跳闸的辨识要求,,并都具有较高的准确率。
[Abstract]:Transmission lines are widely distributed in the wild and face various complicated geographical and climatic environments. When the natural and external environmental factors such as lightning, torrential rain, typhoons, animals and plants, suspended objects, cranes and other natural and external environmental factors change, The fault tripping of transmission line will directly affect the safe and reliable operation of line equipment and power grid. In order to reduce the tripping rate of transmission lines, the operation and maintenance departments must accurately identify the fault types and take different measures for different fault types. At present, the domestic research on fault type identification of transmission lines is in the exploratory stage, mainly focused on the research of lightning fault identification, less research on the identification between lightning strike and non-lightning strike fault, and few achievements in practical application. In this paper, the fault types of transmission lines are reclassified and defined according to the cause division and research purpose of transmission lines, and the fault types are divided into two categories: lightning strike and non-lightning strike. The attenuation of traveling wave propagation of line fault is simulated, and the optimal installation distance of traveling wave on-line monitoring device is put forward. At the same time, using the ATP-EMPT electromagnetic transient simulation software platform, the typical JMarti x line model is established, and the lightning stroke and non-lightning strike of transmission lines with different voltage levels are analyzed. Different types of faults such as high resistance and gold attribute grounding are simulated and calculated, and the different characteristics of current transient simulation waveforms under various kinds of faults are analyzed, and the use of fault electric popular wave head is put forward. The basis for distinguishing the fault types of lightning strike and non-lightning strike, lightning wound strike and counterattack, high resistance and gold attribute grounding fault is the electromagnetic transient characteristics of traveling wave such as wave tail time and polarity pulse. The electromagnetic transient characteristics of inductive lightning and direct-strike lightning are analyzed and the identification method is proposed. Finally, according to the distributed traveling wave location device, fault recording system and accumulated fault traveling wave data for many years, the typical fault tripping is identified according to the fault type identification proposed in this paper. Combined with the field search results of the operation and maintenance units, the results show that the identification basis proposed in this paper can meet the identification requirements of typical fault tripping of transmission lines, and all of them have high accuracy.


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