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发布时间:2018-12-22 09:14
[Abstract]:Photovoltaic power generation has become the focus of research and attention at home and abroad because of its broad prospect of development and utilization. In this paper, the maximum power point tracking problem in photovoltaic power generation system is studied, and the conversion control problem of DC/DC and DC/AC is deeply studied, and the simulation and experiment are carried out. Aiming at the problem that the tracking speed and precision of conventional maximum power point tracking (MPPT) can not be obtained simultaneously, a step size adaptive perturbation observation method is proposed, which improves the accuracy by changing the corresponding step size at the maximum power point. After the precision reaches a certain value, the step size is controlled to prevent the system from oscillating. Compared with the traditional maximum power point tracking method, the blind operation of the system is reduced, the response speed is improved and the tracking effect is improved. Aiming at the difficulty of accurate modeling of DC/DC converter in the system, a data-driven model-free adaptive (MFAC) control method is proposed. The MFAC is applied to the control of BOOST circuit, and the simulation and experiment are carried out. The results show that this method not only has the advantages of simple design of traditional control method and accurate control of modern control method, but also improves the mismatch of model. In order to solve the switching loss problem of DC/DC converter, a passive loss buffer unit is introduced, which solves the switching loss problem effectively and improves the efficiency of the system. The control mode and control target of grid-connected inverter are studied and analyzed. The control mode based on SVPWM is applied to three-phase grid-connected control, and the mathematical model of three-phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter under three-phase static coordinate system and two-phase rotating coordinate system is established. The voltage and current double closed loop control strategy based on synchronous coordinate system direct current control technology is analyzed. The PI parameters of voltage outer loop and current inner loop are designed. The soft switching technology is introduced into grid-connected inverter in view of the switching loss in the inverter process. Finally, in the environment of Matlab/Simulink, the whole grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system is built. The feasibility of voltage and current double closed loop control strategy based on direct current control technology in synchronous coordinate system is verified by simulation. The results show that the system works well and can effectively meet the requirements of grid connection.


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