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发布时间:2018-12-23 20:44
[Abstract]:Compared with the traditional rotary motor, the linear motor has the advantages of simple structure, small friction, high sensitivity, high precision and no limitation of speed because it has no intermediate transmission. In recent years, with the development of linear motor manufacturing level and related control technology, linear motor has been widely used in military weapons, industrial production and daily necessities, such as maglev train, high-speed and high-precision processing. Chip and integrated circuit manufacturing, high-precision instruments, etc. With the development of manufacturing industry towards high speed and precision, the application of linear motor in production and daily life will be more and more extensive in the future. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the principle of linear motor structure and the motion control technology of linear motor. PID control technology is a control technology with a long history, with the advantages of simple operation and easy realization, etc. Nowadays, it has become the most common and mature control method in industrial control. As we all know, there are three control parameters (proportion, integral, differential coefficient) in PID controller. In order to obtain satisfactory control effect, the three parameters of PID controller must be adjusted. At present, most of the tuning methods of PID parameters in actual production are manual setting, based on experience or based on tuning formula algorithm. However, because the actual industrial control process is often diversified, nonlinear and transient, the control effect of the PID parameter system adjusted by these methods is often unable to meet the requirements. Especially for linear motor system with high speed and precision, the effect of PID controller tuning is not satisfactory. On the basis of establishing the mathematical model of linear motor, this paper analyzes the setting methods of various parameters of PID controller. According to the model of experimental permanent magnet linear motor and the characteristics of linear motor system, the PID controller of linear motor is designed. The weight matrix of BP neural network of linear motor is optimized by Drosophila optimization algorithm to realize the self-tuning of PID parameters. The Matlab/Simulink model of experimental linear motor is established and simulated. It is compared with the traditional BP neural network PID control parameters self-tuning control results. The traditional linear motor servo system usually adopts the PID position tracking feedback control method, but with the continuous improvement of the control precision, the general PID control is affected by the control precision limitation, load disturbance and other factors. Control effects often fail to achieve the desired results. In this paper, a compound feedforward PID control strategy based on adaptive "velocity acceleration" feedforward compensation is proposed, which preserves the characteristics of the original PID control and makes full use of the advantages of the speed feedforward control and the acceleration feedforward control. The linear motor can be better used in high speed and high precision motion control. Finally, the model of linear motor with "velocity acceleration" adaptive compound feedforward is established by using MATLAB/Simulink, and the control effect of the ascending and descending curve of linear motor model is simulated. A large number of experiments are carried out by using the computer controlled linear motor experimental system, which verifies the correctness of the conclusion and realizes the compound intelligent control of the linear motor system.


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