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发布时间:2019-01-03 17:05
【摘要】:我国雾霾多发地区同时也是输电走廊和用电负荷高密度地区,长期暴露在雾霾天气下的架空输电线路的安全运行会受到雾霾天气的影响。雾霾颗粒在直流输电线路周围离子流场的作用下会荷电,荷电后的雾霾颗粒将影响输电导线表面的电晕放电以及周围的空间电场分布,在电场作用下雾霾颗粒的运动轨迹会改变,将可能影响输电导线或绝缘子表面的污秽堆积程度。特高压直流输电线路将在全国范围内推广建设,因此对于空气污染指数超过300μg/m3(严重污染),甚至是500μg/m3(爆表污染)的地区,研究雾霾对特高压直流输电线路的离子流场影响规律以及在电场影响下雾霾颗粒对输电设备的污秽影响有着重要的工程价值。因此论文针对雾霾对直流输电线路离子流场以及污秽的影响开展了研究,首先提出了一种可以计算直流输电线路离子流场的改进无网格法,进而推导了雾霾颗粒的荷电模型以及考虑雾霾的离子流场计算模型,采用改进的无网格法对其进行了求解。在此基础上研究了温度对雾霾天气下离子流场的影响规律。最后研究了雾霾颗粒在离子流场作用下的运动特性,并通过试验研究了雾霾在离子流场作用下对绝缘子的污秽影响。论文的主要创新性工作包括:(1)提出了一种改进的MLPG(Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin)无网格法,通过采用RPIMp(radial basis function with additional polynomial basis)形函数和自适应缩小局部子域?s的方式,重点解决了MLPG无网格法计算不规则区域难的问题。采用改进的MLPG无网格法对直流输电线的离子流场进行了计算,并对其准确性进行了验证。(2)建立了雾霾颗粒的荷电模型以及考虑雾霾影响的离子流场控制方程,并采用改进的MLPG无网格法对其求解。研究了温度对雾霾天气下离子流场分布的影响规律。结果表明:雾霾会使直流线路下方的合成场强增大,且增大幅度随着雾霾污染程度的增加而增加;在温度较高情况下发生雾霾天气时的地面合成场强相对于温度较低时更大。(3)研究了雾霾颗粒在离子流场中的运动特性,通过试验研究了雾霾颗粒在离子流场中的荷电极性以及雾霾对直流输电线路绝缘子污秽的影响。根据雾霾颗粒在离子流场中的运动特性,得出了不同污染等级雾霾天气对绝缘子积污量的影响。
[Abstract]:China's haze area is also a transmission corridor and high-density power load area. The safe operation of overhead transmission lines exposed to haze weather for a long time will be affected by the haze weather. The haze particles will be charged under the action of the ion flow field around the DC transmission line. The charged haze particles will affect the corona discharge on the surface of the transmission line and the distribution of the space electric field around it. Under the action of electric field, the trajectory of haze particles will change, which may affect the fouling accumulation degree on the surface of transmission lines or insulators. UHV direct current transmission lines will be popularized throughout the country, so for areas with an air pollution index of more than 300 渭 g/m3, or even 500 渭 g/m3, It is of great engineering value to study the influence of haze on the ion flow field of UHVDC transmission line and the influence of haze particles on the pollution of transmission equipment under the influence of electric field. Therefore, the influence of haze on the ion flow field and contamination of HVDC transmission line is studied. Firstly, an improved meshless method is proposed to calculate the ion current field of HVDC transmission line. The charge model of haze particles and the calculation model of ion flow field considering haze are derived, and the improved meshless method is used to solve the model. On this basis, the influence of temperature on the ion flow field in haze weather is studied. Finally, the motion characteristics of haze particles under the action of ion flow field are studied, and the influence of haze on insulator contamination under the action of ion flow field is studied experimentally. The main innovative work of this paper is as follows: (1) an improved MLPG (Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin) meshless method is proposed, which adopts the RPIMp (radial basis function with additional polynomial basis) shape function and adaptively reduces the local subdomain? s. The problem of MLPG meshless method to calculate irregular region is solved emphatically. The improved MLPG meshless method is used to calculate the ion flow field in DC transmission lines, and its accuracy is verified. (2) the charged model of haze particles and the governing equation of ion flow field considering the influence of haze are established. The improved MLPG meshless method is used to solve the problem. The effect of temperature on the distribution of ion flow field in haze weather is studied. The results show that haze can increase the synthetic field strength under the DC line, and the increase range increases with the increase of haze pollution. When the temperature is high, the synthetic field intensity of haze is larger than that of low temperature. (3) the motion characteristics of haze particles in ion flow field are studied. The charge-electrode properties of haze particles in ion flow field and the effect of haze on insulator contamination of HVDC transmission lines are investigated experimentally. According to the motion characteristics of haze particles in ion flow field, the influence of haze weather on insulator fouling is obtained.


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