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发布时间:2019-01-11 09:36
[Abstract]:With the development of modern technology and the improvement of people's living standard, electric power has become an indispensable part of human life. Distribution network is an important part of power system, its security and reliability is the key to ensure the stable operation of power system. If the power network fails or is threatened, the quality of power supply will be greatly affected and even huge economic losses will be caused if the fault treatment is not carried out in time, and the premise of the treatment is fault diagnosis. Most of the current fault diagnosis methods of distribution network are based on the information of switch and protection operation, however, when the switch or protection occurs in the case of failure, maloperation or complex fault, Traditional methods based on a single data source can not accurately diagnose fault components. Therefore, it is very important to study the fault diagnosis method of distribution network using multiple data sources. Based on the analysis of the current research situation and problems of fault diagnosis methods and fault information sources in power system, a multi-level fault diagnosis method for distribution network based on multi-information sources is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a fault diagnosis method based on multi-source information for distribution network is proposed from the point of view of the difficulty and the amount of difficulty in obtaining fault data. It includes the switch layer used to diagnose the simple fault quickly, the feeder layer to solve the complex fault under the condition of switch and protection, and the substation layer to accurately judge the multi-type fault in the complex system environment. At the same time, the dynamic jump strategy is adopted. According to the fault characteristics, the diagnosis entrance and structure are adjusted longitudinally. The method enhances the adaptability of each layer of diagnosis and improves the efficiency and accuracy of fault diagnosis. Secondly, from the point of view of actual distribution network system, a fault diagnosis method based on fuzzy Petri net and hierarchical multi-source information fusion is proposed. This method includes the switch layer of fault candidate set and the multi-source information fusion diagnostic layer based on directionally weighted fuzzy Petri net wavelet transform and improved D-S evidence theory fusion. This method can automatically adapt to the network topology change, and has good generality and fault tolerance. Finally, considering the accurate identification of distribution network fault types is the premise of fault location, after comprehensive analysis of distribution network fault characteristics, an immune neural network based distribution network fault type identification method is proposed. This method uses wavelet transform technology to extract fault features as the input of immune neural network, and then optimizes the weights of neural network by using the global search performance of immune algorithm, thus avoiding the neural network algorithm falling into local small points. This method can accurately realize the fault type identification under various fault modes, and has good robustness and convergence.


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