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发布时间:2019-01-17 19:34
【摘要】:随着科技的发展,各类电磁设备产生的电磁辐射对人体安全的影响逐渐引起国内以及国际的普遍重视。人体在不同频率的高强度电磁辐射环境下会产生不同的病状,受到电磁辐射少可造成身体发热、神经疼痛,受到电磁辐射多可导致神经错乱、心脏衰竭、灼伤乃至致死。由于目前人体植入式医疗设备电源电量的有限性,对于将无线传能系统应用于人体植入式医疗设备进行无线能量补给的研究越来越多,因此人体在无线传能过程中系统产生的电磁辐射环境下的安全性研究就显得极为重要。 为此,本文针对人体与植入式医疗设备无线能量传输系统电磁环境之间的相互作用原理和电磁仿真方法进行了比较详细地分析研究,主要的研究工作和创新点总结是: 1.在介绍生物电磁学及生物电磁剂量学基本知识的基础上,对时域有限差分法的基本原理和要点作了归纳。 2.提出了一种融入等效宽度技术的非均匀网格生成算法,在网格剖分软件中设置△Xmin,△Ymin,△Zmin以及RX, Ry, RZ,若沿x轴缩小模型尺寸,△Xmin可以在符合数值色散公式的基础上设置的大一点进行粗网格剖分;由于非均匀网格剖分方法网格尺寸在x,y,z方向上是不断变化的,因此在获得实际模型的等效尺寸时,需要求得划分为粗网格方向的网格单元尺寸的平均值,即该方向上的模型尺寸与网格数的比值,通过此平均值将计算模型的尺寸在相应方向减小半个网格,得到等效尺寸模型;重复第一个步骤,进行网格剖分。通过实验验证,说明了融入等效宽度技术的非均匀网格剖分算法在FDTD仿真时的准确性和有效性。 3.将融入等效宽度技术的非均匀网格生成算法应用于植入式医疗设备无线能量传输系统电磁环境下人体头部和人体比吸收率SAR计算当中,研究无线传能系统谐振天线位于人体不同部位时的SAR分布情况,然后将求解结果与现今的国际国内卫生标准进行了比较。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, the influence of electromagnetic radiation produced by various kinds of electromagnetic equipment on human safety has been paid more and more attention both at home and abroad. The human body under different frequency of high intensity electromagnetic radiation environment will produce different symptoms, less electromagnetic radiation can cause body fever, nerve pain, electromagnetic radiation can lead to nervous disorder, heart failure, burns and even death. Due to the limitation of power supply of implanted medical devices, more and more researches have been made on wireless energy supply for implantable medical devices. Therefore, it is very important to study the safety of human body in the electromagnetic radiation environment. Therefore, the interaction principle and electromagnetic simulation method between human body and implanted medical device wireless energy transmission system are analyzed in detail in this paper. The main research work and innovation are summarized as follows: 1. Based on the introduction of the basic knowledge of bioelectromagnetics and bioelectromagnetic dosimetry, the basic principles and main points of the FDTD method are summarized. 2. In this paper, a non-uniform mesh generation algorithm with equivalent width technique is proposed. Xmin, Ymin, Zmin and RX, Ry, RZ, are used to reduce the size of the model along the x axis in the mesh generation software. Xmin can be used for coarse mesh generation on the basis of a large point set on the basis of the numerical dispersion formula. Since the mesh size of the non-uniform mesh generation method is constantly changing in the direction of xyniz, it is necessary to obtain the mean value of the size of the mesh element divided into coarse grid directions when obtaining the equivalent size of the actual model. That is, the ratio of the model size to the mesh number in this direction, the size of the model is reduced by half a mesh in the corresponding direction through this average value, and the equivalent size model is obtained. Repeat the first step for mesh generation. Experimental results show the accuracy and effectiveness of the non-uniform mesh generation algorithm with equivalent width technique in FDTD simulation. 3. A non-uniform mesh generation algorithm incorporating the equivalent width technique is applied to the SAR calculation of the head and the specific absorption rate of the human body under the electromagnetic environment of the wireless energy transmission system of implanted medical equipment. The SAR distribution of the resonant antenna in different parts of the human body is studied, and the results are compared with the current domestic and international health standards.


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