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发布时间:2019-02-13 01:08
【摘要】:微生物燃料电池(MFC)是一种以微生物为催化剂,将燃料中的化学能转化为电能的装置。MFC在利用微生物处理废水的同时产生电能,是一种清洁可再生能源技术。此外,将其应用于污水处理过程,由于燃料来源广泛,反应条件温和,能量转化过程无燃烧过程,故转化效率较高,是一种绿色的污水处理新技术。 根据阳极室与阴极室分开与否,MFC可分为单室MFC和双室MFC。双室MFC中阴极发生反硝化反应的称为阴极反硝化双室MFC。反应器启动时间长、脱氮效率低、反应过程复杂等问题制约了阴极反硝化双室MFC的发展。本研究采取连续进水方式,对阴极反硝化双室MFC的启动过程、氨迁移对阴极反硝化双室MFC的产电性能和脱氮效率的影响及阴极反硝化双室MFC脱氮过程产生氧化亚氮的量进行了研究。得到以下结论: 1、阴极反硝化双室MFC启动阶段,外加直流电源会使阳极电势出现电压反转现象后迅速降低并达到稳定,并且使阴极电势有微小的上升趋势。外加直流电源对阳极达到稳定的产电子能力有着促进作用,对阴极得电子能力有一定的促进,但效果不明显。 2、外加直流电源的加入使MFC在相同外阻情况下输出电流有了明显的提升,对于MFC内阻的优化起一定的促进作用。 3、阴极反硝化双室MFC阳极中的氨氮从阳极向阴极扩散后,MFC的输出电压急剧下降,总氮去除率降低。氨氮的迁移对微生物燃料电池的产电性能及脱氮效率都有明显的抑制作用,。 4、阴极反硝化双室MFC中NO3-N,,NO2-N,NH4-N,N2O的浓度在不同的氨氮浓度及溶解氧浓度情况下有着不同的变化趋势。在不控制溶解氧的情况下阴极室内将发生硝化、反硝化、短程硝化反硝化等一系列可能产生氧化亚氮的反应。
[Abstract]:Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a kind of equipment which converts the chemical energy in fuel into electric energy by using microorganism as catalyst. MFC is a clean and renewable energy technology which uses microorganism to treat wastewater and generates electricity simultaneously. In addition, because of the wide sources of fuel, mild reaction conditions and no combustion process in the energy conversion process, the conversion efficiency is relatively high, so it is a new green sewage treatment technology. According to the separation of anode chamber and cathode chamber, MFC can be divided into single chamber MFC and double chamber MFC.. The cathode denitrification reaction in two-compartment MFC is called cathodic denitrification double-compartment MFC. The development of dual-chamber MFC with cathode denitrification is restricted by the long start-up time, low denitrification efficiency and complex reaction process. In this study, the start-up process of cathode denitrification dual-chamber MFC was carried out by means of continuous influent. The effects of ammonia transfer on the electrical properties and denitrification efficiency of MFC and the amount of nitrous oxide produced in the denitrification process of MFC with cathodic denitrification were studied. The conclusions are as follows: 1. In the start-up stage of dual-chamber MFC of cathodic denitrification, the voltage reversal phenomenon of anode potential will be reduced rapidly and the cathode potential will be stabilized, and the cathode potential will have a slight upward trend. The addition of DC power can promote the stability of the anode and the cathode, but the effect is not obvious. 2. The addition of DC power source makes the output current of MFC increase obviously under the same external resistance, which can promote the optimization of MFC internal resistance. 3. After the ammonia nitrogen diffused from anode to cathode, the output voltage of MFC decreased sharply and the removal rate of total nitrogen decreased. The migration of ammonia nitrogen can inhibit the electric performance and denitrification efficiency of microbial fuel cells. 4. The concentration of NO3-N,NO2-N,NH4-N,N2O in double-chamber MFC of cathodic denitrification has different trends under different concentration of ammonia nitrogen and dissolved oxygen. Nitrification, denitrification, short-cut nitrification and denitrification will occur in the cathode room without controlling dissolved oxygen, and a series of nitrous oxide reactions may occur.


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