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发布时间:2019-02-14 22:22
[Abstract]:Offshore wind power is an important direction of wind power energy development in the future. In recent years, the offshore wind power installation, as a high cost and complicated part of the offshore wind power project, has been continuously explored by all countries. Has developed a variety of models of installation ship. The installation of offshore wind power is mainly divided into two ways, one is integrated installation and the other is more efficient installation. In order to ensure the safety of blower and blower hoisting system during towing, and to determine the sea conditions during towing, the barge is subjected to rocking motion due to the effect of wave on the barge during towing, so as to ensure the safety of blower and blower hoisting system during towing, The dynamic simulation of fan and hoisting system is very necessary. In this paper, the whole hoisting system of offshore fan developed by the Institute of Construction Machinery of Dalian University of Technology is taken as the research object, the ADAMS dynamic simulation software is taken as the platform, and the ANSYS finite element analysis software is combined. The multi-body dynamic rigid-flexible coupling model of the blower integral hoisting system is established. The rolling and pitching motion of the ship under the action of waves is taken as the driving force of the simulation, and the dynamic behavior of the towing process is studied. It lays a foundation for the structural design of hoisting system and the determination of sea conditions. The simulation results of different sea conditions show that: 1. Adding the neck ring of fan to the main structure of hoisting system is very necessary to reduce the swing of fan with barge, to reduce the force of fan and hoisting system structure, and to ensure the safety of towing; 2. In order to ensure the safety of the fan and hoisting system structure in the towing process, the towing process should be carried out in the sea condition of grade 1 and below; 3. According to the simulation results, some suggestions on the structure modification of hoisting system are put forward. In this paper, the simulation study on the towing process of the whole hoisting system of offshore fan is carried out, and the results can be used as a reference for determining the use of the system to guide the sea condition of the fan towing and to design and improve the hoisting system.


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