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发布时间:2019-03-06 20:19
【摘要】:能源,经济发展的重要一环。经济发展日益迅速,保护环境和注重长远经济增长模式的持续发展是科学发展的基本要义,安全、清洁、优质的绿色能源越来越受到各国的广泛关注。风能开发利用被逐渐重视,国家补助上网的风能发电量比例逐年增加。风能发展技术日趋成熟逐步完善,合理有效利用风能,增加绿色能源使用保护环境减少污染,有力缓解能源短缺造成的发展后劲不足。 内蒙古西部地区风资源占有丰富,风能资源的规模利用起步较晚。第一座大型风电场辉腾锡勒风电场,批准建设于2001年。风资源评估软件的准确使用基于被评估地域的气象条件和地理环境等基础数据。本文针对蒙西地区大型风电场建设起步较晚,针对该地区实际地形和标准的风资源前期重要评估评估软件技术滞后的现实。完全照搬国际通用的评估软件所得到的评估结果,不能全面反映研究地区的风资源分布,这会给风电场建设前期的选址和规划造成困扰,对投用后风资源利用效果和运行经济效益有直接影响。以此也成为论文的初衷,继而进行了有针对性的关于风资源评估方法的研究。本文简明介绍用到的了风资源相关概念和理论。以风电场的一年的实际测风数据为基础,对风资源测量站址的选择、测量参数的分析进行研究。矢量化研究区域地形图,运用地理空间因子的多元回归方法进行风资源模拟,采用插值方法完善各测风塔的残差值,进行残差订正,修正后得到研究地区的风速分布图,以此为后期建设选址打下基础,也为今后相关研究方法的顺利实现提供参考。 本文与国际广泛应用的丹麦研发的风资源分析处理软件WAsP进行对比,,得到以下结论: (1)本文使用方法与现今我国广泛应用的风资源评估软件WAsP,经过数据录入后,计算所得的年平均风速范围及位置基本一致。 (2)本文运用的风速分布计算方法与风资源评估软件WAsP计算结果相对偏差在0.06左右;本文所用残差订正方法,能够较好展示现实环境中测风塔周围风资源分布情况,使得测量准确度良好。 (3)本文所用方法可以为特殊地形环境的地理、勘测、评价等工作提供参考。
[Abstract]:Energy is an important part of economic development. The economic development is increasingly rapid. Protecting the environment and paying attention to the sustainable development of the long-term economic growth mode are the basic essentials of scientific development. Green energy, which is safe, clean and high-quality, has been paid more and more attention by many countries. The development and utilization of wind energy has been paid more and more attention, and the proportion of wind energy generation is increasing year by year. The technology of wind energy development is becoming more and more mature and perfect, using wind energy rationally and effectively, increasing the use of green energy, protecting the environment and reducing pollution, and effectively alleviate the shortage of development energy caused by the shortage of energy. The west of Inner Mongolia is rich in wind resources, and the scale utilization of wind energy resources starts late. The first large-scale wind farm Huitengxil wind farm, approved for construction in 2001. The accurate use of wind resource assessment software is based on the meteorological conditions and geographical environment of the assessed region. In this paper, the construction of large-scale wind farm in the west of Mongolia started late, and the important software technology of wind resource assessment was lagging behind the actual terrain and standard wind resources in this area. Completely copying the assessment results obtained by the international common assessment software cannot fully reflect the distribution of wind resources in the study area, which will cause trouble to the site selection and planning in the early stage of wind farm construction. It has a direct effect on the utilization of wind resources and the economic benefit of operation. This also becomes the original intention of the paper, and then carries on the targeted research on the wind resource assessment method. The concepts and theories related to wind resources are briefly introduced in this paper. Based on the one-year wind measurement data of wind farm, the selection of wind resource station site and the analysis of measurement parameters are studied. The regional topographic map is studied by vectorization, the wind resources are simulated by multiple regression method of geospatial factors, the residual values of each wind tower are perfected by interpolation method, the residual error is revised, and the wind speed distribution map of the studied area is obtained after the correction. In order to lay a foundation for the site selection of later construction, it also provides a reference for the successful realization of related research methods in the future. Compared with the wind resource analysis and processing software WAsP, which is widely used in Denmark, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) the method used in this paper is compared with the wind resource assessment software WAsP, which is widely used in our country, after data entry. The calculated annual mean wind speed range and position are basically consistent. (2) the relative deviation between the wind speed distribution calculation method used in this paper and the calculation result of wind resource assessment software WAsP is about 0.06; The residual correction method used in this paper can better display the wind resource distribution around the wind tower in the real environment and make the measurement accuracy good. (3) the method used in this paper can provide reference for geography, survey and evaluation of special terrain environment.


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