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发布时间:2019-03-06 21:42
【摘要】:各类电力电子设备的普及应用造成谐波在配电网中的含量也越来越多。日益精密的电子设备需求更加优质干净的电能;相反,电力电子设备的增多使得向电网中注入的谐波也变得更多。在谐波治理方面,有源电力滤波器具有高效、快速、实时、稳定等特点,在很多领域受到重视和应用。三相四线制有源电力滤波器在配电网的谐波治理问题上具有明显的优势,正受到越来越多的关注。 本文以并联型三相四线制有源电力滤波器(APF)为研究对象,从主电路拓扑结构、锁相环以及APF的电流电压闭环控制策略几个方面进行了深入的研究。 论文首先将两种典型的三电平变流器与康能中点钳位型(Conergy NPC)三电平变流器分别从结构、成本、调制方法、损耗分布等方面做对比分析。研究结果表明Conergy NPC的综合性价比最高,在成本及损耗平衡方面具有明显的优势。在此基础上,建立了基于该变流器的APF数学模型。 其次本文对传统单同步坐标系软件锁相环进行研究,指出该软件锁相环具有调整时间长和在三相电压不平衡条件下存在稳态误差等问题。针对这些缺点,分别从提高响应速度和滤除负序电压分量消除稳态误差两个方面做出改进,有效地提高了锁相环的动态和稳态性能,并通过仿真进行了验证。 接着针对PI控制对交流信号不能实现无静差跟踪以及重复控制响应时间长的缺点,提出将两者并联的复合电流控制策略,并给出了详细的参数设定方法。该控制策略响应速度快,同时稳态精度高,且实现简单方便。同时,为了保证系统能够稳定运行,对直流侧电压闭环控制和均压控制分别进行了分析和参数设计。论文对上述电流和电压控制进行了仿真验证。 最后,,通过实验对本文提出的新型三电平有源电力滤波器进行验证。实验结果表明该新型结构以及采用的电流和电压控制策略是有效的。
[Abstract]:The popularity of all kinds of power electronic equipment results in more and more harmonics in the distribution network. Increasingly sophisticated electronic devices demand better and cleaner electricity; on the contrary, the increase in power electronics has increased the amount of harmonics injected into the grid. In harmonic control, active power filter (APF) is highly efficient, fast, real-time and stable, so it has been paid attention to and applied in many fields. Three-phase four-wire active power filter (APF) has obvious advantages in harmonic control of distribution network and is attracting more and more attention. In this paper, a parallel three-phase four-wire active power filter (APF) is studied. The topology of the main circuit, the phase-locked loop (PLL) and the current-voltage closed-loop control strategy of APF are studied deeply. In this paper, two typical three-level converters and (Conergy NPC) three-level converters are compared and analyzed from the aspects of structure, cost, modulation method, loss distribution, and so on. The two typical three-level converters are compared and analyzed in terms of structure, cost, modulation method, loss distribution and so on. The results show that Conergy NPC has the highest comprehensive cost-to-performance ratio, and has obvious advantages in cost and loss balance. On this basis, the APF mathematical model based on the converter is established. Secondly, this paper studies the traditional software phase-locked loop in single synchronous coordinate system, and points out that the software phase-locked loop has the problems of long adjustment time and steady-state error under the condition of three-phase voltage imbalance. In view of these shortcomings, the dynamic and steady-state performance of phase-locked loop is effectively improved by improving the response speed and eliminating the steady-state error by filtering the negative sequence voltage components, and the simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the dynamic and steady-state performance of the phase-locked loop. Then, aiming at the disadvantage that PI can't track AC signal without static error and the response time of repetitive control is long, a hybrid current control strategy with parallel connection is proposed, and a detailed parameter setting method is given. The control strategy has the advantages of fast response, high steady-state precision, and simple and convenient realization. At the same time, in order to ensure the stable operation of the system, the DC side voltage closed-loop control and voltage sharing control are analyzed and the parameters are designed respectively. The current and voltage control mentioned above are simulated and verified in this paper. Finally, the new three-level active power filter proposed in this paper is verified by experiments. The experimental results show that the new structure and the current and voltage control strategy are effective.


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