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发布时间:2019-03-12 18:30
【摘要】:随着经济的快速发展,,我国的工业及生活用电量急剧增大,电力在整个社会的发展中占据了重要的地位,电力系统的安全与否关乎着国民经济的快速发展,作为电力系统的一个重要组成部分,发电机和变压器的继电保护整定计算显得至关重要。 目前国内做继电保护装置的厂家主要有南瑞继保、北京四方、许继、南自等几大厂家。本文通过对这几大厂家的保护装置原理的对比研究,并结合笔者实际保护整定计算经验,从而对发电机失磁保护、发电机转子负序过负荷保护、发电机横差保护、变压器零序过流保护以及变压器过励磁保护等几个常见的保护进行了原理分析并提出了在实际整定过程中应该注意的一些问题。这些问题是保护整定计算过程中实实在在存在的问题,对以后进行保护整定计算提供了很好的参考性。同时笔者还就实际生产运行中某些保护由于定值问题产生的误动原因进行了分析,指出了目前在整定计算中依然存在的问题,这些意见的提出有助于改善保护整定过程,提高整定的正确性。 本文的重点工作是对保护整定计算模板的制定和对整定软件的框架结构进行设计。笔者结合之前多次保护整定计算经验,制定了一个通用的保护整定计算模板,该模板涵盖了目前常见的一些保护配置。在此模板中笔者将每个具体的保护配置进行表格化处理,方便之后通过软件实现对该模板的操作计算。同时笔者已经完成该整定计算软件的框架设计,在接下来的工作中只需通过编程将相应的操作关联起来即可完成整个软件的任务。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the power consumption of industry and life in our country increases sharply, and electric power occupies an important position in the development of the whole society. The safety of the power system is related to the rapid development of the national economy. As an important part of power system, relay protection setting calculation of generator and transformer is very important. At present, the domestic manufacturers of relay protection devices are mainly Nanrui Jibao, Beijing Sifang, Xu Ji, Nanzi and other major manufacturers. In this paper, through the comparative study of the protection device principle of these manufacturers and the author's practical protection setting calculation experience, the generator loss protection, the generator rotor negative sequence over-load protection, the generator transverse differential protection, the generator loss protection, the generator rotor negative sequence over-load protection, and the generator transverse differential protection are discussed. The principle of zero-sequence over-current protection of transformer and over-excitation protection of transformer are analyzed and some problems that should be paid attention to in the practical setting process are put forward. These problems are real problems in the process of protection setting calculation, which provide a good reference for future protection setting calculation. At the same time, the author also analyzes the causes of misoperation of some protection due to the fixed value problem in the actual production operation, and points out the problems that still exist in the setting calculation at present. These suggestions are helpful to improve the setting process of the protection. Improve the accuracy of the setting. The main work of this paper is to make the protection setting calculation template and design the frame structure of the setting software. Based on the previous experience of protection setting calculation, a universal protection setting calculation template is developed, which covers some common protection configurations at present. In this template, the author tabulated each specific protection configuration, and then realized the operation calculation of the template by software. At the same time, the author has completed the frame design of the setting calculation software. In the following work, the task of the whole software can be completed only by associating the corresponding operation with the program.


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