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发布时间:2019-03-25 10:09
【摘要】:本文论述上海电力公司变电设备运行监测系统的软件设计和实现。该系统针对分布在电网上的变电设备,对其运行状况进行连续或周期性地自动监视监测,目的是保障变电设备运行的可靠性和及时的故障告警,同时为电网运行采集连续的状态数据作为设备维护和运行调度的基础。本文按照该系统的开发过程从需求分析、软件设计、程序实现和测试等基本部分进行了论述,分别讨论了在每个阶段所完成的主要内容,建立了需求分析的功能用例、软件设计架构、数据库方案、程序实现方案和测试情况。该系统的软硬件整体划分为三个层次,分别为主站层、站控层和监测过程层。本文着重阐述了运行于监测中心站的软件系统的需求分析、设计和程序实现。论文较为详细地讨论了该系统的电网节点建模信息的表示功能、检测任务的运行管理功能、对监测数据谱图的计算处理功能以及数据通信功能。采用分层架构建立了该系统的中心站软件设计方案,分析讨论了该系统内部的软件对象划分和设计方案、数据库设计方案以及数据处理计算的主要流程。该系统的中心站软件运行于通用的Windows图形操作环境,中心站应用服务器程序采用C#语言和数据库SQL Server开发实现。中心站程序基于通用的TCP/IP协议实现与站控层的综合处理单元的设备节点、中心站服务器及中心数据库之间的访问。该系统目前已经进入运行阶段,初步测试已经证明能够稳定运行并生成正确的谱图数据和执行进行监测任务的运行管理功能,达到预定的开发目标,较好地满足了用户对分布式电站节点的日常监测管理业务的需要。
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the software design and implementation of the operation monitoring system of the power transformation equipment of Shanghai Electric Power Company. the system is used for continuously or periodically monitoring and monitoring the operation conditions of the transformer equipment distributed on the power grid, And the continuous state data is collected for the operation of the power grid as the basis of equipment maintenance and operation scheduling. According to the development process of the system, the basic parts such as the requirement analysis, the software design, the program realization and the test are discussed, the main contents completed at each stage are discussed, the function use case, the software design framework and the database scheme of the demand analysis are set up, And the program and the test condition are realized. The software and hardware of the system are divided into three levels, namely, the main station layer, the station control layer and the monitoring process layer. The demand analysis, design and program of the software system running in the monitoring center station are described in this paper. In this paper, the function of the network node modeling information of the system, the function of the operation and management of the detection task, the function of the calculation and processing of the monitoring data spectrum and the data communication function are discussed in detail. The software design scheme of the central station of the system is established by using the hierarchical structure, and the main flow of the software object division and design scheme, the database design scheme and the data processing calculation inside the system is analyzed. The central station software of the system runs in a general-purpose Windows graphics operating environment, and the central station application server program uses C # language and database SQL Server to develop and implement. The central station program implements the access between the device node, the central station server and the central database of the integrated processing unit of the station control layer based on the general TCP/ IP protocol. At present, the system has entered the operation stage, and the preliminary test has proved that the operation management function of running and generating the correct spectrum map data and executing the monitoring task can be stably run and the execution of the monitoring task can be performed to reach a predetermined development target, And the daily monitoring and management service of the user to the distributed power station node is better met.


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