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发布时间:2019-04-16 14:33
[Abstract]:As an important part of electrical equipment, insulating material plays an important role in isolating different potential and ensuring the normal operation of the equipment, which determines the service life of electrical equipment to a great extent. In high voltage substations, the number of capacitive equipment usually accounts for 40% / 50% of the total electrical equipment in the substation. It is very important to ensure the good insulation of capacitive equipment to ensure the safe and reliable operation of power system. At present, most of the on-line testing methods for insulation performance of capacitive equipment are based on dielectric loss factor as the first choice measurement parameter, because the dielectric loss value is small, and is easily affected by the interference factors of the power network. Therefore, it is still of great significance to search for high-precision measurement methods. The calculation method of dielectric loss factor based on Hilbert transform in this paper is not affected by the fluctuation of power network frequency and non-integral period sampling. The maximum absolute error of simulation is in the order of 10 ~ 5, considering the influence of power network harmonic on the calculation results. When the total voltage harmonic distortion rate is in the normal range, the calculation method can still ensure a good calculation accuracy, and the error level is almost unchanged. In order to obtain the fundamental components of sampled voltage and current signals for dielectric loss calculation and the on-line monitoring data for processing dielectric loss values, we adopt the empirical mode decomposition method based on nonlinear autoregressive neural network (NAR) data to predict endpoint continuation. The method of signal decomposition is especially suitable to deal with nonlinear and non-stationary data series, and its effect is better than that of symmetric extremum method which is often used. When the power network waveform is disturbed and fluctuated seriously, the result is better than that of the symmetric extremum method which is often used. The fundamental component can still be decomposed accurately. At the same time, in order to further reduce the measurement error and eliminate the influence of noise, in the pre-processing stage of sampled data, we adopt the alternating hybrid filter of mathematical morphology and the filtering scheme of wavelet de-noising. These methods are used to process the sampled data step by step and calculate the dielectric loss factor. The simulation results show that the error is within the required range of dielectric loss measurement and can achieve the desired accuracy.


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