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发布时间:2019-04-26 04:21
[Abstract]:With the increasing popularity of new energy, the application of wind energy has attracted more and more countries' attention and research. Among the many technologies used in wind power generation, doubly-fed wind power generation technology has attracted more and more attention for its unique advantages. However, the randomness and instability of wind energy will cause the instability of active power of doubly-fed wind power generation stator-side grid, which affects the wide use of wind energy. In order to solve this drawback in wind power generation, the energy storage device is introduced into the wind power generation system, so that the active power balance of stator-side power grid can be well adjusted within a certain range. In the traditional combination of energy storage device and wind power generation system, the energy storage device is located at the stator side of the doubly-fed wind generator. However, in this combination mode, the energy storage device is connected to the stator-side power grid, which will still cause the instability of the power network. A new combination method is designed, which combines the energy storage device with the rotor side excitation system of doubly-fed wind generator. When the wind energy changes, the stator side of the generator provides the active power required by the power grid, and the excess (or insufficient) slip power is absorbed (or provided) by the energy storage device on the rotor side without the need to exchange energy with the power grid. So that the generator system can be better, more stable for the power grid to provide output. Energy storage device is connected with DC bus through charge-discharge circuit, so charge-discharge circuit as an important link will directly affect the stability of voltage at both ends of DC bus. Furthermore, the stability of the rotor side excitation voltage of doubly-fed wind generator will be affected. Aiming at the special properties of supercapacitor, the main circuit of charge and discharge circuit and the control strategy in charge and discharge mode are designed, and the energy storage system is simulated by using Mat] ab software. On the premise that the DC bus voltage of the inverter can be stabilized by charge-discharge circuit, the low-frequency inverter control strategy of excitation system based on SVPWM technology is designed and studied, and the simulation analysis is carried out. The results show that the three-phase SVPWM inverter has good low-frequency voltage output characteristics. In this paper, the topology of AC excitation system is designed, and the mathematical models of grid-side and rotor-side converters in AC excitation system are studied. According to the function of network-side converter in excitation system of doubly-fed machine, the space voltage vector control technology is used. The double closed loop control strategy of voltage and current is designed. According to the requirements of AC excitation system for rotor-side converter, a control strategy of rotor-side converter with adjustable output voltage amplitude and frequency is designed, which is verified by simulation. The grid-side converter can output stable DC voltage under the condition that the power factor is 1, and the rotor-side converter can output AC excitation current with adjustable amplitude, frequency and phase according to the operation requirement of doubly-fed generator. Based on this, the rotor-side converter is combined with the doubly-fed wind generator, and the voltage-current double closed-loop control strategy is used to realize the variable speed constant frequency operation of the doubly-fed wind generator. In order to realize grid-connected control, according to the operation characteristics of doubly-fed wind generator, the double-closed-loop control technology is applied to the grid-connected control of doubly-fed generator, and the amplitude of excitation current of rotor is studied on the basis of grid-side voltage parameters. The flexible grid-connected control strategy with frequency and phase adjustment can control the impulse current in the grid-connected process within a reasonable range and finally realize the flexible grid-connection of doubly-fed wind generators.


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