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发布时间:2019-05-18 05:29
【摘要】:多模块并联运行技术是变流器向大功率发展的一项关键技术,具有实现扩大容量,提高冗余度以及提高可靠性等优点,近年来因为应用前景广阔而成为研究热点。而随着PWM变流器技术的发展,已设计出了多种PWM整流器拓扑结构,对于变流器模块化设计,变流器的效率,模块化设计难度是制约变流器拓扑选择的关键因素。相比传统的两电平变流器,三电平变流器因为功率器件耐压等级低、开关损耗低以及谐波含量低等优点,在中高压场合得到了广泛的应用,多模块并联运行主要存在环流抑制问题,三电平变流器存在中点平衡控制问题。这些问题会对变流器及其并联系统造成危害,因此,三电平变流器的并联研究具有重要的意义。 本文主要从以下几个方面进行三电平变流器模块化并联技术的研究: (1)基于三相TNPC三电平变流器的基本工作原理,分析TNPC三电平变流器的SVPWM调制算法,实现了基于电压定向并网控制策略,并进行软件仿真验证并网控制策略的可行性。 (2)分析三电平变流器并联系统零序环流产生的原因,并研究TNPC三电平变流器并联系统的环流抑制方法。针对基于SVPWM三电平变流器并联系统,研究其环流控制方法,通过仿真验证零序环流控制策略的可行性。 (3)分析基于SVPWM调制算法的三电平变流器中点平衡问题,研究中点平衡控制策略,采用分配因子的方法进行中点平衡控制。结合三电平变流器并联系统的环流抑制方法,研究兼容中点平衡的零序环流抑制的控制方法,进行软件仿真验证控制方法的可行性。 (4)搭建了TNPC三电平变流器并联系统实验平台,进行两台TNPC三电平变流器直接并联实验,验证兼容中点平衡的零序环流抑制控制策略的可行性。
[Abstract]:Multi-module parallel operation technology is a key technology for the development of converters to high power. It has the advantages of expanding capacity, increasing redundancy and improving reliability. In recent years, it has become a research focus because of its broad application prospects. With the development of PWM converter technology, a variety of PWM rectifier topologies have been designed. For the modular design of converters, the efficiency of converters, the difficulty of modular design is the key factor restricting the topology selection of converters. Compared with the traditional two-level converter, the three-level converter has been widely used in medium and high voltage because of its low voltage resistance, low switching loss and low harmonic content. Multi-module parallel operation mainly has the problem of circulation suppression, and the three-level converter has the problem of midpoint balance control. These problems will cause harm to the converter and its parallel system, so the research on the parallel connection of the three-level converter is of great significance. In this paper, the modularization and parallel technology of three-level converter is studied from the following aspects: (1) based on the basic working principle of three-phase TNPC three-level converter, the SVPWM modulation algorithm of TNPC three-level converter is analyzed. The voltage-oriented grid-connected control strategy is implemented, and the feasibility of the grid-connected control strategy is verified by software simulation. (2) the causes of zero-sequence circulation in three-level converter parallel system are analyzed, and the circulation suppression method of TNPC three-level converter parallel system is studied. Aiming at the parallel system based on SVPWM three-level converter, the circulation control method is studied, and the feasibility of zero-sequence circulation control strategy is verified by simulation. (3) the midpoint balance problem of three-level converter based on SVPWM modulation algorithm is analyzed, the midpoint balance control strategy is studied, and the midpoint balance control is carried out by using the method of distribution factor. Combined with the circulation suppression method of three-level converter parallel system, the control method of zero-sequence circulation suppression compatible with midpoint balance is studied, and the feasibility of the control method is verified by software simulation. (4) the experimental platform of TNPC three-level converter parallel system is built, and the direct parallel experiments of two TNPC three-level converters are carried out to verify the feasibility of zero-sequence circulation suppression control strategy compatible with midpoint balance.


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