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发布时间:2019-05-19 12:11
【摘要】:地磁感应电流(GIC)可能对电网安全运行产生不利的影响。随着特高压电网的建设,我国已成为世界上电网规模最大、电压等级最多的国家,结合我国纬度(磁纬)跨度大、大地电性构造复杂多样等实际情况,我国电网可能存在较高的GIC灾害风险。因此,探明中低纬地区GIC的各种影响因素及其作用机理与影响程度,建立适合中低纬电网以及我国大地条件的GIC计算模型及方法是必要和紧迫的任务。基于中低纬GIC准确计算的重大需求,本论文从空间、大地、电网三方面的影响因素入手,围绕电网GIC的建模开展了研究,主要工作及成果如下: 针对电离层空间电流源对GMD感应地电场的影响差异,定义了“大小源电流”两种典型极限电流源模型。根据电磁感应理论及快速汉克分解等解析方法,从场源水平距离、垂直距离和电流频率三方面对“大小源电流”模型下的地表阻抗特性进行了数值模拟和解析证明。研究结果表明“线电流模型计算出的感应地电场总小于面电流模型的计算结果”的说法不准确,并针对中低纬地区感应地电场计算提出了采用“大源电流”模型的计算思路与方法。 以“万圣节GMD事件”为例,从频域和时域两方面定量分析了不同纬度及大地电导率模型对感应地电场的影响。结果表明对于中低纬地区的电网,虽然地磁扰动强度相对较低,但大地电性构造的差异可能会使感应地电场相差4-10倍,提出了利用"GIC-Benchmark"算例模型分析大地因素对电网GIC影响的方法,证明了由于大地电导率的影响中低纬地区的GIC可能高于高纬地区。 结合电网实际参数和特点,研究了输电线路长度、电网拓扑结构以及变压器结构对GIC的影响。结果表明:输电线路较短时,GIC水平与线路长度呈近似线性关系,当线路达到一定长度时,GIC水平与线路长度无关,趋于饱和值;对变电站的GIC计算要考虑与其相连的所有输电线路的共同作用;另外,变电站的GIC受“拐点效应”影响,终端变电站的GIC更大;考虑变压器类型、结构等因素的影响,给出了自耦变压器和普通单相变压器的GIC有效值的计算方法。 根据变压器绕组联结方式和不同类型变压器组合模式,结合节点导纳矩阵算法,提出了多电压等级电网GIC的建模技术与计算方法,解决了由不同电压等级输电线路GIC相互作用引起的变电站GIC的准确计算问题。在此基础上,建立了三华电网全节点GIC计算模型,研究了500kV电网和1000kV特高压电网之间GIC的相互影响,发现当接入1000kV变电站的500kV线路关于电场方向不对称时,500kV线路GIC对1000kV变电站GIC影响较大。 本论文综合考虑了空间、大地和电网三方面因素的影响,提出了多电压等级大电网GIC的建模和计算方法,揭示了不同电压等级电网GIC相互作用的特征规律,并利用2015年三华规划电网参数完成了建模理论与方法的实证研究。三华电网在实际地磁扰动作用下GIC水平的计算结果表明,受次级电网GIC的影响特高压电网可能存在较高的GIC灾害风险。因此本论文提出了特高压电网防御磁暴灾害的技术方案,对我国下一步重大的电网工程建设和安全运行具有实际意义。
[Abstract]:Geomagnetic induced current (GIC) may have an adverse effect on the safe operation of the power grid. With the construction of the extra-high voltage power network, China has become the largest and most voltage-grade country in the world, and in combination with the actual conditions of the latitude (magnetic pick-up) span of China and the complex and diverse earth's electrical structure, China's power grid may have a high risk of GIC disaster. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to establish the GIC calculation model and method suitable for the low-latitude and low-latitude grid and the ground conditions in China. Based on the important demand of the accurate calculation of the mid-and low-latitude GICs, this paper starts with the influence factors of the space, the earth and the power grid, and studies the modeling of the power grid GIC. The main work and results are as follows: The influence of the ionospheric space current source on the electric field induced by GMD In this paper, two typical limiting current source modes of the "size source current" are defined Based on the analytical methods of the electromagnetic induction theory and the rapid Hanks decomposition, the surface impedance characteristics under the "size source current" model are simulated and analyzed from the field source horizontal distance, the vertical distance and the current frequency. The results show that the formula of the induced ground electric field is less accurate than that of the surface current model, and the calculation method and the method of using the large-source current model are proposed for the calculation of the induced ground electric field in the middle and low latitude regions. By taking the "Halloween GMD Events" as an example, the electric field induced by the different latitude and the ground conductivity model is quantitatively analyzed from the frequency domain and the time domain The results show that, for the power grid in the mid-low latitude area, although the geomagnetic disturbance intensity is relatively low, the difference of the ground electrical structure may cause the induced electric field to differ by 4-10 times, and the influence of the ground factors on the GIC of the power grid is analyzed by using the "GIC-Benchmark" example model. The method has proved that the GIC in the low-latitude area may be higher than the high-latitude area due to the influence of the earth's electrical conductivity Based on the actual parameters and characteristics of the power grid, the length of the transmission line, the topological structure of the power grid and the structure of the transformer are studied. The results show that, when the transmission line is short, the GIC level is approximately linear with the length of the line, and when the line reaches a certain length, the GIC level is independent of the line length and tends to be saturated. The GIC calculation of the substation shall consider the joint of all the power transmission lines connected with it. In addition, the GIC of the substation is affected by the "inflection point effect", and the GIC of the terminal substation is larger; considering the influence of the transformer type, structure and other factors, the GIC effective value of the self-coupling transformer and the common single-phase transformer is given According to the method of transformer winding and the combination mode of different types of transformer and the algorithm of node admittance matrix, the modeling of a multi-voltage-grade grid GIC is put forward. The technology and the calculation method solve the GIC of the substation caused by the interaction of the GICs of the power transmission lines with different voltage levels. On the basis of this, the whole node GIC calculation model of the three-China power network is established, and the interaction of the GICs between the 500 kV power grid and the 1000kV UHV power grid is studied. It is found that when the 500kV line of the 1000kV substation is not symmetrical with respect to the direction of the electric field, the 500kV line GIC is used for the 1000kV transformer substation. The influence of the three factors of space, earth and power grid is considered in this paper. The modeling and calculation method of the large power grid GIC with multiple voltage levels is put forward, and the GICs of different voltage levels are revealed. The characteristic law of the interaction is realized, and the modeling method is completed by using the parameters of the three-China planned power grid in 2015. The results of the calculation of the GIC level under the effect of the actual geomagnetic disturbance of the three-China power grid show that the influence of the secondary grid GIC on the UHV power grid may be more Therefore, this paper puts forward the technical scheme of the high-voltage power network to prevent the magnetic storm disaster, and has made a great contribution to the construction and safety of the next major grid engineering in our country.


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