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发布时间:2019-06-04 18:10
[Abstract]:The microbial fuel cell (MFC), as a new type of bioreactor, is widely studied. The development of such experimental devices and ideas is a vital reform of energy and the environment. And the running cost can be greatly reduced for sewage treatment. Nowadays, the energy crisis and environmental pollution of the present society are a new type of energy which is very concerned by the people. the invention relates to a single-chamber air cathode-type microbial fuel cell, which is used for inoculating the sludge in a single-chamber microbial fuel cell by a double-mud biological film nitrosation denitrification and dephosphorization device which is synchronously operated in a laboratory, wherein the anode inoculation sludge is taken from an anaerobic tank, and the actual domestic sewage is an anode liquid of a microbial fuel cell, At the same time, the effect of the system on the treatment of domestic sewage and the simultaneous production of electricity is also studied. the double-chamber microbial fuel cell is inoculated into a double-chamber microbial fuel cell by a double-mud biological film subnitrating denitrification and dephosphorization device which is synchronously operated by a laboratory, the anode inoculation sludge is taken from an anaerobic tank, and the cathode inoculation sludge is taken from an anoxic tank, And the electric energy can be generated at the same time of treating the domestic sewage. the experimental results show that the carbon felt is the anode material of the microbial fuel cell, the graphite plate is a cathode material, the air is used as a single-chamber microbial fuel cell of the cathode electron acceptor to treat the actual domestic sewage, and the microbial fuel cell can be stably operated, when the external resistance is 1000惟, the maximum power of the MFC is 31.5 mW 路 m-3, when the external resistance is 1000惟, the COD treatment effect of the anode of the microbial fuel cell is the best, the removal rate is 82.1%, and the inoculated sludge is a mixed strain, Therefore, the ammonia nitrogen in the anode chamber has a certain treatment effect, but the size of the external resistor has little effect on the removal of the ammonia nitrogen in the anode of the microbial fuel cell. when the area of the anode region of the single-chamber microbial fuel cell is different, when the area of the anode region is 64 cm2, the average output voltage and the maximum power density of the microbial fuel cell are 0.45 V and 41.4 mW 路 m-3, respectively, and when the area of the anode region of the microbial fuel cell is 64 cm2, The removal rate of COD of the anode of the microbial fuel cell was 84.83%, and the removal rate was the highest. When the concentration of KCl electrolyte is 80 mmol 路 L "1 in the anode of the microbial fuel cell, the average output voltage and the maximum power density of the microbial fuel cell are respectively 0.55 V and 51.4 mW 路 m-3, and the COD removal rate of the anode is 80.83%. and the carbon felt as the anode and the cathode material of the microbial fuel cell, the double-chamber microbial fuel cell with the electron acceptor with the nitrate as the cathode is used for treating the actual domestic sewage, and the microbial fuel cell can be stably operated, When the nitrate mass concentration of the two-chamber microbial fuel cell with nitrate as the electron acceptor is 160 mg 路 L-1, the electric effect of the MFC is the best, the average output voltage and the maximum power density are 0.28 V and 35.39 mW 路 m-3, respectively. When the nitrate mass concentration of the cathode is 160 mg 路 L-1, the amount of organic matter decomposed by the anode is increased, the removal effect of COD is the best, and the removal rate is 93.22%. With the change of the cathode nitrate mass concentration, the removal rate of the anode ammonia nitrogen was 20.58%, 21.05%, 20.98%, 20.62%, 19.96% and 20.23%, respectively. The concentration of nitrite in the cathode of the microbial fuel cell is reduced when the non-electrode denitrification occurs due to the non-electrode denitrification, and when the C/ N is increased to 3, the accumulation concentration of the nitrite is close to zero. The average output voltage and the maximum power density of the MFC are 0.28 V and 35.39 mW 路 m-3, respectively. When the organic matter is added, the average output voltage and the maximum power density of the MFC are 0.22V and 28.3 mW 路 m-3, respectively. So that the effect is not good when the electricity generation and the cathode are not added with the organic matters. The treatment effect of the anode is not good compared with the addition of the organic matter. The average output voltage and the maximum power density of the microbial fuel cell are 0.19V and 20.6 mW 路 m3, respectively, when the external resistance is 1000惟. At this time, the water treatment effect of the MFC is the best due to the best electric power generation effect. When the spacing of the anode and cathode electrodes of the microbial fuel cell is different, the average output voltage and the maximum power density of the battery are 0.22 V and 29 mW. m-3, respectively, when the electrode pitch of the microbial fuel cell is 10 cm. The average output voltage and the maximum power density of the microbial fuel cell are 0.55 V and 31.5 mW 路 m-3, respectively, when the electricity generation condition and the water treatment condition of the single-chamber microbial fuel cell are the best, that is, the external resistance of the battery is 1000惟, the area of the anode area is 64 cm2, and the KCl electrolyte is added to the anode to be 80 mmol 路 L-1, the average output voltage and the maximum power density of the microbial fuel cell are 0.55 V and 31.5 mW 路 m-3, respectively. the removal rate of the COD of the anode is 80.83%, and when the electric and water treatment conditions of the double-chamber microbial fuel cell are the best, the external resistance of the battery is 1000惟, the concentration of the cathode nitrate is 160 mg 路 L-1, the cathode C/ N ratio is 2, the distance between the electrodes is 10 cm, the area of the cathode and the anode is 64 cm2, The average output voltage and the maximum power density of the microbial fuel cell were 0.22 V and 29 mW 路 m-3 at the time of adding the KCl electrolyte to the anode, and the removal rate of the cathode nitrate was as high as 92%, and the removal rate of the anode COD was 80%. It is known from the above microbial fuel cell that the performance of the single-chamber microbial fuel cell is superior, but the cathode of the dual-chamber microbial fuel cell may process wastewater containing nitrate, Therefore, the double-chamber microbial fuel cell has a more development prospect.


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